NYCC Archives

Andy Weir, Rosario Dawson, And Luke Jerram Light The Moon At Audible NYCC
Rosilyne Bean reporting from NYCC for Bleeding Cool In anticipation of his upcoming new thriller Artemis, Andy Weir, author of The Martian teamed with actress Rosario Dawson (The Defenders, Sin City), Audible and artist Luke Jerram to launch the "Museum of the Moon" exhibition at the Classic Car Club of Manhattan during NYCC The exhibition is[...]
Keanu Reeves talks the Matrix, Bill and Ted and Replicas at NYCC
Hugh Sheridan reporting from NYCC for Bleeding Cool Keanu Reeves talked with producer Stephen Hamel  and director Jeffrey Nachmanoff at a panel about their upcoming film Replicas which also touched on the future of The Matrix movies and Bill and Ted. They discussed how Replicas started as a project with with famed Hollywood producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura[...]
Thursday Cosplay Pics From NYCC 2017
There was a lot of awesome cosplay at NYCC today. From Dark Souls, to Marvel and DC, to Rocky Horror Picture Show, many people showed up with great cosplay.
Yipee Ki Yay, Father Christmas: Doogie Horner Talks A Die Hard Christmas At NYCC
Cover to A Die Hard Christmas Jason Borelli reporting from NYCC for Bleeding Cool: While the holiday season is over two months away, comedian Doogie Horner presented a gift to panel-goers at New York Comic Con: A Die Hard Christmas.  A Die Hard Christmas by Doogie Horner Patterned after 'Twas The Night Before Christmas," Horner's small children-sized book follows John[...]
Pop Culture Shock Collectibles Display At NYCC 2017
Also there's Blanka, who I mostly know from a Chris D'elia bit and some comparisons to Wolverine. If you want a look at all the characters they had set up at NYCC today, take a browse through the gallery below I just figured out how to set one of those up today, so you better appreciate it[...]
Image Announces 3 New Series At NYCC: Infidel, Analog, And Bingo Love
At 3 mini press conferences at NYCC this Thursday Image Comics announced three new projects : a mini and an ongoing series and one original graphic novel. First off former Vertigo editor Pornsak Pichetshote and artist Aaron Campbell are working on a 5 issue horror mini called "Infidel". Its about a diverse group of people living in a[...]
Dan Didio And Jim Lee Talk Action Comics #1000 And The State Of DC Comics
Hugh Sheridan reporting from NYCC for Bleeding Cool This Thursday afternoon, two of DC's official "publishers" (i.e senior executives, but just not as senior as WB bigwig Diane Nelson) Jim Lee and Dan Didio talked about DC and discussed their various current initiatives at the "DC Meet The Publishers" panel at NYCC. Didio started off  by saying[...]
Cosplay In A Cab
Here is the full set if you missed it. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cosplay in a Cab, Part 1: Captain Marvel — Marvel LIVE @ NYCC 2017 ( can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cosplay in a Cab, Part 2: Nova — Marvel LIVE @ NYCC 2017 ( can't be loaded[...]
The Last Jedi Brings Star Wars Props And Costumes To NYCC
Written by Amanda Gurall We have two months until The Last Jedi opens but we got a look at some of the costumes and props used in the film today at NYCC to hold us over. Praetorian Single and Double Blade Swords Snoke's personal guard force will be armed with swords containing electro-plasma energy filaments and the double[...]