rebellion Archives

Live(ish) From The Games Shop – Shovel Knight, Beat Hazard, McPixel, July's Free Games
Joker first person shooter.  The end of the month looks like the real treat with 360 getting The Behemoth's theater based performance platformer, Battle Block Theater. In a bit of housekeeping news, console versions of Rebellion's Sniper Elite III are available on the home consoles this week, including a collector's edition that comes with a tin case, playing[...]
Preview This Week's 2000AD And Brass Sun #2
This week sees the publication of 2000AD's Prog 1887 and also the return of Rebellion's  Brass Sun series for issue #2 (issue #1 went to reprint immediately) Prog 1887 will be available in print in the UK on June 25th, digitally immediately, and in print in the USA a little behind this date Brass Sun[...]
With New Editions Impending, Was The Hardcover Zenith Worth The Wait?
By Tony Wolf As a lifelong Grant Morrison fan, I'd long heard whispers of Zenith, the elusive longform, out-of-print postmodern late 80s/early 90s superhero series by Morrison and artist Steve Yeowell (his first collaborator on The Invisibles), originally serialized in the UK weekly anthology 2000AD. When news broke that Rebellion / 2000AD would be reprinting Zenith for[...]
Brass Sun #1 Sells Out Of 4,000 First Print, V-Wars #2 Sells Out Of 9,500
Brass Sun #1, the debut issue of Rebellion's first US-format mini-series, has sold out of its 4000 print run fast, on the day of publication A second print of 1000 copies have also almost gone Expect a third soon. Following on the unexpected success of Dredd: Underbelly, this may prove a successful new business model for[...]
Sniper Elite V2 Is Free To Download On Steam For 24 Hours Only
The World War II shooter game Sniper Elite V2 will be available for free download (not just to play for a limited time) for 24 hours, Rebellion announced today The offer will end at exactly 10AM Pacific Standard Time on  Thursday, June 5th. Sniper Elite V2 has been one of Rebellion's breakaway successes in gameplay, but[...]
Preview This Week's 2000AD And Judge Dredd Megazine – Judge Dredd, Indigo Prime, Slaine, Tharg's 3Rillers, Outlier, Black Museum, The Man From The Ministry, Anderson Psi-Division
Both will be available in print in the UK on May 21st, immediately digitally, and at a slight lag to print in the USA. 2000 AD this week features:  Judge Dredd: "Shooters Night", Indigo Prime: "Perfect Day", Slaine: "A Simple Killing", Tharg's 3Rillers: "Colony", and Outlier: Part Nine. And here's our preview: Judge Dredd[...]
Preview 2000AD's 'Jumping On Point' Prog 1874 That Sold Out At The Distributor Level
Likewise, Rebellion have announced that they've launched a monthly print subscription at their online shop which would come in handy for just such an occasion. So, without further ado this much in demand Prog #1872 includes Judge Dredd: "Megacity Confidential", Slaine: "A Simple Killing", Outlier: "Part One", Sinister Dexter: "Gun Shy", Jaegir: "Strigoi". And here is your[...]
Dead Or Dredd In Trauma Town?
Artist Nick Percival is running a little competition on his Facebook page for people to get a chance to appear in his upcoming Judge Dredd series for