Roland Mann Archives

James Pruett Moves From Scout Comics To CCO Of Silverline
He has also been Senior Vice President Compliance Officer at Commonwealth Capital Corp in Florida since 2002.And now he is CCO of Roland Mann's Silverline Publishing, launching their first comic book into the direct market in February 2024, for Valentine's Day – alongside Penthouse Comic with Trumps #1 Though nothing to do with a certain[...]
Barb Kaalberg is the creator/co-writer/inker of Divinity, the project being kickstarting right now with Roland Mann She writes. I've been a comic book inker for a long time 30+ years now Comics is an industry that gets deep into your bones, burrows in and, even when you are doing other things, it's always there, waiting for[...]
Cat & Mouse Takes on Human Trafficking
Created by Roland Mann and Mitch Byrd, the series first saw print in 1989 courtesy of the short lived EFGraphics It was then picked up by Malibu Comics' Aircel imprint and ran for 18 issues, many of those issues making Comic Shop News' list of "Top 10 B&W Titles." Writer Roland Mann revisits Cat & Mouse with a[...]
MMG Issue 86: Remembering Malibu Comics With Roland Mann
This week, the agents speak with former Malibu/Marvel editor, Roland Mann Roland helps fill the archives of tales from his old Malibu days from how he started to the Marvel purchase From his own Cat and Mouse to how Men in Black got picked up by Hollywood Mighty Marvel Geeks NCBD picks for September 23, 2015 are: George[...]
Roland Mann's First Kickstarter Campaign – Citizens
Roland Mann writes, I started my first Kickstarter campaign on Tuesday Even though a few friends who'd run their own campaigns before warned me otherwise, I really thought the butterflies and anxiety would have gone away by now, a few days into it. They haven't. But they're more like those first date butterflies than standing up to the[...]