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AEW Collision Exposes Rotten Heart and Soul of Company

The Chadster recaps the absolute travesty that was AEW Collision this week 😠😡🤬 Read on to see how Tony Khan continues to personally attack The Chadster! 😩😭😫

Article Summary

  • AEW Collision disrespects WWE with matches like FTR vs Blackpool Combat Club.
  • Chadster rants on Tony Khan stealing talent and ruining wrestling's legacy.
  • Kris Statlander's squash match and promo incite Chadster's wrestling fury.
  • Daniel Garcia's style and Orange Cassidy's victory further enrage The Chadster.

Auughh man! So unfair! 😠😡🤬 Last night, AEW Collision aired another one of its disrespectful garbage wrestling shows, and The Chadster is absolutely beside himself with rage. It's just so disrespectful to the wrestling business and everything WWE has ever done for it! 😠😡🤬 And you know what really grinds The Chadster's gears? The fact that The Chadster can't get just one weekend without AEW Collision absolutely ruining it! Just when The Chadster thought he could relax and unwind after a long week of watching amazing shows like WWE Raw and WWE SmackDown — the pinnacle of pro wrestling, in The Chadster's unbiased opinion! — Tony Khan has to go and pollute the airwaves with this garbage fire of a show. 😠😡🤬

Dustin Rhodes appears on AEW Collision
Dustin Rhodes appears on AEW Collision

The Chadster is still trying to recover from the absolute train wreck that was this week's episode of AEW Collision. The blatant disregard for the sanctity of the wrestling business was on full display, and The Chadster's delicate sensibilities were offended at every turn. It's like Tony Khan is personally trying to make The Chadster's life a living nightmare, and honestly, it's working! 😩😭😫

Right out of the gate, we got FTR — and don't even get The Chadster started on those two Benedict Arnolds — taking on the Blackpool Combat Club. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ It's bad enough that Tony Khan had to go and steal Claudio Castagnoli and FTR away from WWE, where they rightfully belong, but then he has the audacity to put them in a 20-minute BROADCAST television match that ends in a DRAW?! It's just so disrespectful to the wrestling business and everything WWE has ever done for it! 😠😡🤬

You know WWE would NEVER. WWE understands that a match on free TV has to have a decisive winner to keep the storylines moving and the fans invested. 😠😡🤬 And after all that, Tony Khan's little lackeys, the EVPs, get involved and refuse to restart the match in some kind of blatant attempt to further a company-wide storyline about the heart and soul of AEW being on the line?! It's like Tony Khan is purposely trying to recreate the creative magic from the WWE Attitude Era, and it's making The Chadster physically ill. 🤮🤮🤮

Then, because AEW Collision is nothing more than a two-hour vanity project for Tony Khan to stroke his own ego, he had to go and book Kris Statlander in a squash match, continuing her heelish rebuild. Don't get The Chadster wrong, WWE loves a good squash match to showcase their dominant Superstars, but this was just ridiculous! 😠😡🤬 Kris Statlander completely demolished some poor, unsuspecting jobber named Robyn Renegade in a matter of minutes! You would never see Nia Jax do something so pointless.

And you know what the worst part is? After the match, Stokely Hathaway cut this long, rambling promo about how Statlander is going to win both the TBS Championship and the AEW Women's World Championship. He even had the gall to announce that she's the first entrant in the 2024 Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ It's just so disrespectful to the wrestling business and everything WWE has ever done for it for AEW to name a tournament after a wrestler who should rightfully be in the WWE Hall of Fame if not for people holding petty grudges! 😠😡🤬 The sheer arrogance of it all! It's like Tony Khan thinks he can just waltz in and rewrite the rules of professional wrestling, and it makes The Chadster want to scream!

Speaking of screaming, The Chadster let out a yell that could have shattered glass when Dustin Rhodes showed up. It's one thing for Tony Khan to steal wrestlers from WWE, but to use a family member of the current WWE Champion to demonstrate AEW values? It's like a slap in the face! 😠😡🤬 First, Dustin Rhodes — who obviously learned nothing from the professionalism and creativity he was exposed to in WWE — goes out there and beats Johnny TV in a hard-fought match. 😠😡🤬

But then, he has the audacity to call out Jack Perry and cut this long, rambling, babyface promo about family, sacrifice, and respect. And the crowd ate it up! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ The Chadster just can't with this company. You know what being true to family would be?! Leaving AEW and supporting WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes. This just proves that AEW doesn't understand a single thing about the wrestling business! 😠😡🤬

Auughh man! So unfair! 😠😡🤬 "Timeless" Toni Storm, who's evidently AEW's taste-du-jour, not only defeats Lady Frost with all her flashy gymnastics and whatnot, but then the AEW Women's World Champion goes and makes this overly sappy speech about "love" and "opportunities". 🤮🤢🤮 The Chadster can't even with how nauseatingly sweet it all sounded. Toni Storm appointing Mariah May into the Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament is just another example of how AEW has no clue about earning one's stripes! WWE understands the value of hard work, not handing out spots because you have a soft spot! 🤦‍♂️😠😡

And just when The Chadster thought it couldn't get any worse, Daniel Garcia squares off against Tate Mayfairs. 🙄🙄🙄 Oh, the humanity! Garcia applies a guillotine and finishes it with the Red Cross? Please. The Chadster is willing to bet his cherished Mazda Miata that not one single mainstream wrestling fan understands or cares about these so-called 'techniques'. These wrestlers have literally stabbed Triple H right in the back with their fake fighting styles. WWE's wrestling is real wrestling, where every move matters and tells a story. Daniel Garcia and Tate Mayfairs's match? It's AEW trying to redefine wrestling, and it's insulting. 😠😡🤬 And with "Daddy Magic" at the commentary? Talk about adding insult to injury. WWE's commentators enhance the match, they don't try to make themselves the star of the show. 🎤★🚫 The Chadster can barely contain his rage at the nerve of AEW to think they can compete with the unmatched, incredible storytelling of WWE. 🤦‍♁️😠😡

And as if all that wasn't bad enough, the AEW Collision main event featured "Freshly Squeezed" Orange Cassidy going over on Kyle O'Reilly! 😩😭😫 The Chadster can't even bring himself to talk about how much this match made The Chadster question the very fabric of reality.

This whole episode of AEW Collision was like a fever dream, and not a good one! It was the kind of fever dream where you're being chased by a giant Tony Khan head with spider legs while "All Star" by Smash Mouth plays on a loop, a dream The Chadster experiences all-too-frequently. 😠😡🤬

Anyway, The Chadster is going to go drown his sorrows in a six-pack of White Claw and hope that next week's AEW Collision is a little easier on The Chadster's soul, or, better yet, that it's canceled entirely. But let's be honest, with Tony Khan at the helm, it's probably only going to get worse. 😩😭😫 If you want to see REAL wrestling, The Chadster suggests you check out the next episode of WWE Raw. The Chadster hears it's going to be a barn burner! 🔥🔥🔥

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Chad McMahonAbout Chad McMahon

Chad McMahon, otherwise known as The Chadster, is a lifelong professional wrestling fan and now journalist. The Chadster's legendary commitment to objectivity in journalism caused him to found The Chadster's Unbiased Journalism Club, an elite group of wrestling journalists dedicated to exposing the evils of AEW and its belligerent leader, Tony Khan, while extolling the virtues of WWE, as any truly unbiased journalist would do. The Chadster's pursuit of truth in wrestling journalism has had a profoundly negative effect on his life, his marriage, and even his dreams, which are frequently haunted by the specter of Tony Khan. Nevertheless, he remains committed to delivering his message to what he refers to as "true wrestling fans. The greatest loves in The Chadster's life include WWE, his sweet Mazda Miata, the unparalleled tunes of musical geniuses Smash Mouth, and his wife, Keighleyanne, in that order.
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