Posted in: CBS, streaming, TV | Tagged: big brother, cbs, eviction ceremony, HOH, paramount plus, recap, season 23
Big Brother Season 23 E22 Recap: Always Expecting The Unexpected
We're now up to the twentieth episode of CBS' Big Brother Season 23 and spoilers are plentiful & heading your way…so turn back now if you don't want surprises and instead read my past article on a rough veto competition and nominee replacement this season on Big Brother.
The division in the Cookout Alliance about who was to go home became an issue going towards the eviction ceremony. It became clear that it was difficult for the choices to be made on which nominee staying would help personal games for certain houseguests. While Azah was able to be swayed with the idea of sending home Derek X, Tiffany was another story when it came to Xavier's pleas to keep Claire instead. The outsider of the Cookout alliance became clear, Tiffany was shifting the story to fit her game without seeing the uproar it would bring to everyone else. The implementation of having the women within the Cookout alliance together in the end truly should have been a discussion for weeks ago, but it feels like having Xavier in the have-not room for any amount of time could see the crumbling of a decisive Cookout vote.
The time for the eviction came, with nominees Claire and Derek X having given passionate and last-minute speech attempts at staying in the game, it was time to see how the Big Brother house would vote. First up to vote was Alyssa who voted to evict Derek X. Next up to vote was Hannah and she voted to evict Claire. Kyland voted to evict Claire. Derek F voted to evict Derek X. Tiffany voted to evict Derek X. Azah voted to evict Derek X. Xavier voted to evict Derek X. The next person out of the Big Brother house officially became Derek X, a second person to be added to the jury. Derek made it known to Julie Chen in his exit interview that viewers should "expect the unexpected" referring to his and Hannah's in-house relationship.
The Head of Household competition arrived, based on viewing BB NFT's before the eviction ceremony, choosing true or false to answer questions involving those images and videos they were shown. While it was a tense line of questions testing memories of the NFT's, one official winner was declared, Tiffany. A big piece of the game awaits Big Brother houseguests in the High Roller's Room with the Coin of Destiny game, which could switch around the claimed HOH power. Next up is Tiffany's nomination ceremony tomorrow, Sunday evening at 8 PM EST. on CBS.
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