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Crisis On Earth-X: What Is The Maximum Occupancy Of The Waverider?
The Arrowverse crossovers keep getting bigger and more grand. The first one was simply a crossover between the Flash and Arrow where the character showed up on each other's shows. And then there was the big two-part episode that launched DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Last year they did the Invasion crossover that started in the last few minutes of Supergirl then carried through Flash, Arrow and Legends. Though Arrow was a bit of a sidestep as it was also the shows 100th episode. This year they've gone even bigger than ever with Crisis on Earth-X. Each of the four shows are dedicating an hour to the overall story. The first part is all about everyone coming together for the Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) wedding which would seem like an episode of the Flash but will actually take place in Supergirl. And not only are the pulling together all of Team Flash, Team Arrow, the Legends and picking up Supergirl and Alex Danvers from Earth-38… they're also adding in The Ray and Citizen Cold. Which makes it a very difficult and overwhelming shooting process.
Brandon Routh talked with TVLine about the crossover and having so many people on the Waverider:
The best thing that we got to do was the big gathering of everyone here in our world, on the Waverider, which was pretty awesome. It was a really unique and fun thing. We used to get upset about [having] nine characters on the bridge and figuring out how to shoot that, but having 21 or whatever it was is pretty insane. But Greg Smith, who was our director for our episode, knew what he wanted pretty quick. You have to have your ducks in a row when doing a crossover because people are coming from four different shows, like, 'We have Melissa [Benoist] for two hours, and we have Grant [Gustin] for an hour, and we have Stephen [Amell] for 30 seconds!' So gotta get the shot!
Crisis on Earth-X begins with back-to-back episodes of Supergirl and Arrow on Monday, November 27th at 8 PM and then concluding with back-to-back episodes of The Flash and DC's Legends of Tomorrow at 8 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, all on the CW.