Posted in: Anime, Cartoon Network, Heritage Sponsored, Sponsored, TV | Tagged: dragon ball, Dragon Ball Z, Goku, heritage, sponsored
Dragon Ball Z Fans Can Bring Home Signed Sean Schemmel Prints
Dragon Ball has been one of the most enduring anime and manga productions of the last quarter-century and more. Even beyond that, it has been a pop culture phenomenon that is even familiar to those to whom anime as an art form is not. The humor, drama, and action of Dragon Ball Z in particular cemented Goku as a character with Superman-level strength, a lot less sense than the normal hero, a thirst for battle at his fatal flaw, and a good heart. Goku was the viewer's way into Dragon Ball Z, which then rippled out from him, exploring characters such as his son Gohan who had immeasurable untapped potential, the prideful Saiyan Prince Vegeta who defined himself by his chase to be the best, the once-evil Piccolo who was shown care and friendship by a young boy, Krillin who was outclassed even at the beginning of Z and yet was present at the frontline of almost every battle, and more. Now, fans of Dragon Ball Z can celebrate this iconic story with prints signed by Goku's English-language voice action, Sean Schemmel.
Dragon Ball Z Goku Prints signed by Sean Schemmel Group of 2 (Toei Animation, c. 1999-05).
Presented in this lot is a pair of 8" x 10" prints featuring Goku from the hit anime series Dragon Ball Z. The first features Goku alone and the second Goku with King Kai "Realm King of the North". Both pieces are hand signed by the voice of Goku and King Kai, Sean Schemmel. It's a fantastic pair of glossies from one of anime's most popular series signed by the longtime voice of the show's star character. Minor handling and condition for both is Fine.
Best of luck to all Dragon Ball Z fans who hope to place a bid for these Schemmel-signed Goku prints. You can head over to Heritage Auctions right here to stake your claim in order to bring these home to your collection.