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The Flash Season 4: Barry's Back, But What Does It Mean For Wally West?
As season 3 of the Flash ended, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) said his good byes, told Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) to protect Central City and stepped into the Speed Force. This was Wally's chance to shine, to step out of Barry's shadow. To be his own man. But instead of him saving the city, he was joined by Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Iris (Candice Patton) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin). He didn't graduate to the red suit, he didn't become the Flash… he remained Kid Flash and when Barry came back, he became the man again leaving Wally unsure of his own place.
So what does that mean for Wally this season? Gustin told
Wally is going on his own journey, where he's kind of wondering what exactly his purpose is. He had always wanted to be a little bit more than he was. I don't think he loved the idea of being Kid Flash, and I think he thought it was his time, and now Barry's back and he doesn't really know how he fits.
In the comics, when Barry dies/goes into the speed force, Wally graduated to being the Flash and wore the red suit. He even went faster than Barry ever did. He joined the Justice League and became a hero equal to Barry's time in the suit. How will the show's writers deal with the sidekick growing up syndrome?
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 PM on the CW.