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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Review: Epic, Gripping Finale

Interview with the Vampire Season 2 finale, "And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else," was a beautiful ending & a promising beginning.

Tonight, the season finale of AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire is upon us with "And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else"— another fantastic, dark, and heart-stopping episode to add to a stellar repertoire. Did I cry like a baby and probably still am tearing up? Maybe… Definitely… but I bet we are all on the same boat after being subjected to the emotional rollercoaster we have been riding since season one.

While there are many shows that have made me fall hard, the way Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire has not only drawn me in but kept me obsessed all week long, thinking of theories and what-ifs has been unmatched. It feels amazing to fall back in love with this story and characters I thought I knew with a brand new spin on it. The way "teenager me" would be simping just like I am over it. It feels great to have a source material you already love being given life and justice the way the team being this show has. Between the writing, the visuals, the music, and the acting come together, it is just magical, and I wish we had more episodes to go.

Interview With The Vampire
Image Courtesy of AMC Network Entertainment LLC

This was a spotlight for Jacob Anderson send his stellar portrayal of Louis. He and Sam Reid's Lestat just fill the screen with emotions whenever they are on. To say their acting is phenomenal is putting it lightly. In last week's episode, I was taken aback by the madness in Louis' eyes as he fought Lestat and promised to laugh when he fed Lestat's head to the lions. Well, this week, Louis dialed it up a few notches, and he is one scary, detailed Vampire when letting his instincts take over. I cannot get over the ease with which he took the Théâtre des Vampires down and everyone in it down. Especially how he handled Santiago. Louis is so badass, and for some reason, I have no doubt he is the one Talamasca advised Daniel (Eric Bogosian) to be scared of.

There are two big takeaways for me in the episode (other than Louis and Lestat, we shall talk about them more): why did they make my boy Armand (Assad Zaman) so damn dirty? They successfully managed to make me hate him even though I love his character so much. Hats off to Antonio Banderas, forever my OG… Guillermo would understand. I should have known I tempted fate the moment I said nothing they do could ever get them to make me hate him. Well… I was a little wrong. Zaman, once again, was fantastic. Yet another one that can convert so many feelings with just looks. It's amazing how much farther and farther away Louis and Armand sat from each other with every episode. I thought Lestat and Louis were toxic, but man, Armand played a horrible game of betrayal and some gaslighting to wash it off. Ugh, why are you breaking my heart like this, Armand? Not to mention the stunt he pulls at the end. But we should get into that in a bit.

Interview With The Vampire
Interview with the Vampire _ Season 2, Episode 8 – Image Courtesy of AMC Network Entertainment LLC

That said, I love Daniel's courage in bringing everything up and uncovering all the lies. What I liked the most was Louis' growth, which came along with the grief, loss, and ownership of what he is. I think that accepting who he is and his dark gift is what will make him more powerful. I mean, we see it at the end as he talks over all the Vampires making it clear who he is and where he is at. Man, confident Louis is a new Louis I look forward to seeing. Once again, total badass.

Moving on to Lestat, as promised. The scene when Louis and Lestat meet again in New Orleans has to be my favorite scene between the two of them. I loved every single thing about it: Lestat's flashy looks ready to go on stage, Louis' earnestness, their willingness to finally communicate and be honest without being hurtful. It really came across as two people finally coming together after years in different places in their lives, finally understanding and ready to forgive. I cried along with them, and even now, as I write— it was a very emotional scene. The type that offers closure to a chapter of the past. Once again, Reid and Anderson killing with amazing dialogue and delivery. So many big emotions and not even many words. I am glad they understand each other and can together mourn their daughter. I have a feeling Lestat is being tormented by memories of Claudia (Delainey Hayles) and the way Louis was with him.

And I know I had mentioned Armand's little stunt… well yeah, after being threatened by Louis to get out and not lay a finger on Daniel, Armand decides to share the gift with Daniel and runoff – and apparently has been MIA ever since. The Talamasca did warn him to get out, yet he had to talk to Louis. I actually like their relationship and how blunt they are. I wonder why Armand thought this would be a good idea and what the endgame is. After all his BS, I feel Armand did this with some petty "more to come" vibes. Daniel, however, is living that successful author life, having already sold millions of copies of his book. However, he asks Louis if he would like to write a second one with him… could we get more one-on-one with them – or work together?

Interview With The Vampire
Image Courtesy of AMC Network Entertainment LLC

It was a phenomenal season of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire and I cannot wait to get more and see Lestat on stage rocking off. I am very excited to meet more characters and possibly see another Lestat and Louis reunion. I would love to see Lestat be interviewed by Daniel, though; I can imagine that would bring very spicy dialogue coupled with very spiky mood swings. This show has definitely tiptoed its way to the top of my list, and I am already counting down the days until we get more on anything having to do with the third season.

Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8: "And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else"

Interview With The Vampire
Review by Alejandra Bodden

Tonight, the season finale of AMC's Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire is upon us with "And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else"— another fantastic, dark, and heart-stopping episode to add to a stellar repertoire. Did I cry like a baby and probably still am tearing up? Maybe... Definitely... but I bet we are all on the same boat after being subjected to the emotional rollercoaster we have been riding since season one.

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Alejandra BoddenAbout Alejandra Bodden

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