Posted in: Netflix, TV | Tagged: entertainment, Finn Jones, iron fist, Lady Gorgon, marvel, netflix, television
Marvel's Iron Fist Season 2: Has a New Villain Been Found?
Coming off the well received Marvel's The Punisher, Netflix is about to fire up production on the second season of Marvel's Iron Fist. The biggest change going into the new season is a change at showrunner, gone is the much maligned Scott Buck (who went on to do Marvel's Inhumans) and in his place is Raven Metzner who has worked on Fallen Skies, Heroes: Reborn and Sleepy Hollow. His first writing credit is for the 2005 Elektra film with Jennifer Garner.
At the time of it's release, Netflix said that it was the most viewed of the four Marvel series including both season of Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Jessica Jones and Marvel's Luke Cage. No word if that is still the case with last months release of The Punisher or the summer release of Marvel's The Defenders. Some of the knocks against the series was the writing, the casting of Finn Jones both for his portrayal of the character of Danny Rand and of Marvel continuing the 'White Savior' trope that many felt could've been eliminated by casting an Asian or Asian-American actor. And there were complaints about the martial arts or lack there of in the series. Jones would go on to reprise the role of Rand in the Defenders and get only moderately better reviews than his first outing.
Reports from The Hashtag Show, which has a good track record of getting correct casting announcements, has come up with the following casting call for Iron Fist season two:
[TANYA PARKER](late-20's, open ethnicity) As a freelance covert operative, Tanya has carried out many high-level missions. A chameleon adept at playing roles, Tanya inhabits the "part" that best fits the mission. SERIES REGULAR
This description fits the character of Lady Gorgon, who is technically a Punisher villain created by Matt Fraction, Rick Remender and Howard Chaykin. She first appeared in Punisher War Journal Vol 2 #20. In the comics Gorgon and her two partners, Silhouette and Illumination, are hired by Jigsaw to kill the Punisher. After failing to do so, she is once again hired by Jigsaw, but this time to pose as Maria Castle, Frank's dead wife, to torture him. Once Frank figures out that she's an impostor… he stabs her to death.
Lady Gorgon is a member of The Hand, the favorite villains of the Netflix series so far. She is a proficient fighter with blades and firearms and has a level of telepathy that allows her to control minds and read thoughts. They will like downplay that aspect and just make her very good at disguises. There are, of course, other characters from the MCU that it could be, but I agree with THS that Lady Gorgon is probably the closest to the casting announcement.
With the series starting production soon, we can expect a casting announcement shortly as well.