Posted in: ABC, TV | Tagged: Adam Levine, modern family
Modern Family: Adam Devine Offers New Insight Into Haley/Andy Story
Adam Devine offered some interesting new insights into how the Haley/Andy storyline on ABC's Modern Family could've played out differently.
It is no secret that ABC's Modern Family is one of my comfort- slash- background shows. I have previously mentioned I can leave seasons one through five on a loop because the writing is outstanding and never ceases to make me smile. We have discussed before how the first five seasons were a treasure trove of awesomeness with great writing and relatable characters. This time, we get to revisit an all-time rant- inducer Haley (Sarah Hyland) and… dun dun duuun… Andy (Adam Devine).
We can argue about many things that could be improved on as the years pass by. Modern Family remains pretty untouchable until after the fifth season – with things starting to get wonky around the seventh season. The characters were not given the chance they deserved – with Haley topping this list. At times, it felt like a record scratch— things were going great, and all of a sudden, it felt like they had to make Haley the one who was not smart enough and kept making dumb decisions. Throughout the years, we saw her potential, and time and time again, she kept being molded to be a younger version of Claire… but was this the original intention? I loved Dylan (Reid Ewing), but I liked how they grew when they were apart. So when we finally see Haley and Andy organically growing as a couple and supporting one another it felt personal when they separated them.
It was a topic that Adam DeVine addressed in response to a tweet that accused Devine of leaving and ruining the Haley/Andy storyline – stating it "should be considered a crime." Well… Devine's departure did ruin the storyline – but I am just not sure he should be blamed for anything – as opposed to the writers. DeVine responded, "Offense TAKEN. Hehe. They wanted to bring me back towards the end of the show but I was already shooting another project. Hollywood baby!!! Sarah rules. The show ruled and I loved being a part of it."
Does this mean there was probably another ending in mind before plans had to be shuffled? I can imagine an alternative universe in which Haley and Andy ended up together. I find it much more believable and a better setup than Haley with Dylan or Alex's professor crush. I hated that arc, and on behalf of myself, I took it personally. Haley did deserve better. That's just the reality of the situation. Though Devine is right… Hollywood, baby!