Posted in: Opinion, Sports, TV, TV, WWE | Tagged: dark side of the ring, Herschel Walker, ric flair, trump, wwe
Ric Flair on Herschel Walker/Trump Event Cmte Because That's Who He Is
A little more than a month after covering pro-wrestler Ric Flair's reaction to flight attendant Heidi Doyle's allegations during Evan Husney & Jason Eisener and Vice TV's Dark Side of the Ring episode "The Plane Ride From Hell" that h exposed himself to her and made her touch his genitals, it would appear that Flair's decided to kick off his "Anti-Repair My Image" tour by doubling-down on a real-life heel role. Over the weekend, we learned that Flair was serving on the Honorary Host Committee for a fundraising event for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker that Donald Trump is planning to attend (ranking right up there with Kanye West hanging out with Marilyn Manson and DaBaby as worst "boy band" idea ever). Here's a reminder of why that's a bad idea no matter who's covering the tux rental gig:
Donald Trump: What can you say about the ex-NBC reality show host and dude who squatted in The White House for four years that won't be said in the wave of lawsuits heading his way? Oh, other than that he attempted to overthrow the 2020 election and encouraged a bunch of traitors to storm Congress back in January (allegedly). And that he thinks telling his followers to not vote in 2022 and 2024 is the way to win back The White House (though we back him 110% on that last one and will do what we can to remind Trumpians to stay at home on election day & binge Last Man Standing).
Herschel Walker: Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Georgia & NFL survivor who has as much reason running for Congress as I do hitting a try-out for the New York Giants. Want a recent campaign "highlight"? Walker had to cancel a fundraiser with conservative film producer Bettina Sofia Viviano-Langlais after it was reported that Viviano-Langlais had featured a set of syringes arranged in a swastika as her Twitter profile picture to denote her opposition to vaccine requirements. To be clear, Walker's campaign would first attempt to defend the image as not a swastika but "a sign of opposition to vaccine requirements" before canceling the money grab hours later.
For his part? Ric Flair wants everyone to know that he still gets to ride in a limousine. So there's that, I guess…???
"I was in the galley… Ric Flair was naked in a cape only, and then he decided to come back to the galley to get a coke, and then he wouldn't leave the galley. He had me up against the back door, and I couldn't move," Doyle related during the docuseries episode. "I couldn't get away from him… I couldn't… I couldn't move. He was spinning around his penis and he wanted me to touch it. He took my hand and put it on him."
It was noted by the producers that Flair had denied the allegations in the past and that a settlement was reached at the time between Doyle and the professional wrestling company. On an edition of Renee Paquette's Oral Sessions podcast before the episode aired, Flair appeared to come across more as the victim when asked about the incident and the then-upcoming docuseries episode on it. "God, I've heard about it too. Just when things are going good for me," Flair responded. But he also appeared to be putting the word out there that "if the heat falls" on him, he's ready to bring some folks down with him. "We'll see how it plays out because I was there and I don't care whose name I gotta drop if the heat falls on me. I know who was where and what and who and what took place. I know the whole story." Here's a look back at Flair's previous Twitter statements (revised by Flair):
About four years ago, I gave ESPN full access to my life for a '30 for 30' special. They covered taxes, financial issues, adultery, divorces, the passing of my child and drinking/partying AT LENGTH."
Rory Kampf, desperate to matter for another 15 minutes, did an interview about it this morning. When Rory's lips are moving, he's typically lying, but one part of what he said was the God's honest truth:
'I'd never heard that he had forced someone to touch his genitals,' Karpf admitted. 'Everything with Ric that was construed as negative I tried to address in the '30 for 30'. His drinking, his philandering, his adultery, his money problems, there's quite a bit, but never, at least in the people that I spoke to, no one ever brought up that he would force himself on somebody.'
I allowed my personal life and the lives of my wife and children to be turned upside down for one reason: Whether it's good or bad, even the really bad, the truth has to matter. Even in wrestling.
My issues have been well documented over my 40+ year career. The impact of drinking too much (which nearly killed me 5 years ago) has been told time and time and time again. The reason Rory (or anyone else for that matter) never heard stories of me forcing myself on ANYONE is simple: it never happened.
Following up on his initial social media statement, Flair released the following follow-up statement to Wrestling Inc.: "To clarify, the 'helicopter' as it was called, is accurate. I wish I could blame it on youth, but it was a case of drinking too much and being inappropriate and I apologize for that (and have countless times over the years). I made some bad decisions during dark periods in my life, and it is something I've spent a significant part of years I was given by the doctors in 2017 trying to make right. I condemn sexual assault in any way, shape or form. I could (and have) written books (as have others) that have covered my transgressions. I've made some terrible decisions, but I've never forced myself on anyone in any way. Period."