Posted in: Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Rick and Morty, streaming, Trailer, TV | Tagged: animated, Beth, cable, cartoon, dan harmon, episode 8, Jacob Hair, James McDermott, Jeff Loveness, Jerry, Justin Roiland, Lauryn Bremner, morty, rick, rick and morty, season 4, streaming, summer, television, The Vat of Acid Episode, tv
Rick and Morty Companion Podcast: Acid Vats, Time Travel, Easter Eggs
Our review of this past Sunday's episode of Rick and Morty (link below) praised "The Vat of Acid Episode" (directed by Jacob Hair, and written by Jeff Loveness and Albro Lundy) for taking a hard look at our dimension-hopping duo's pseudo-toxic relationship and their near-total lack of appreciation for the damage that results from their dysfunction. All of that is just a fancy way of saying that Rick and Morty (and Beth, Jerry, and Summer) are a little too okay with strip-mining other dimensions without much concern over the impact.
Just look at how many dimensions felt the wrath of Rick's bruised ego, simply over Morty not being impressed over a fake vat of acid. See what we mean? Thankfully, Hair, Loveness, background designer Lauryn Bremner, and art director James McDermott got together earlier this week for a live recording of the Rick and Morty Companion Podcast. Over the course of the hour, the team talks bottle episodes, the Alive influence, time travel fantasies, and easter eggs to go back and look for; and take questions from callers:
Which brings us to the following promo and never-informative official episode overview for this Sunday's "Childrick of Mort", where it looks like Rick's taking/being forced to take the family on a vacation, one that looks like it's going to drag all of their wonderfully just-beneath-the-skin dysfunction raging to the surface. Based on what you're about to see, it feels like it has the makings of an episode that would be appropriate for Beth to learn that she actually is a clone (mindless speculation). Also, I'm still not sure what I find more disturbing: how those disturbing gingerbread men-like beings die, or seeing another instance when Rick and Jerry are on the same page:
Harmon, Roiland, and Adult Swim released the following episode titles announcement video that gave a nice "wink-and-a-nod" to The Terminator before revealing the following loaded episode names (with loglines included). Beginning with return episode "Never Ricking Morty," we have "Promortyus" (Get off my face, broth), "The Vat of Acid Episode" (The one with the acid vat, broth), "Childrick of Mort" (Miracle of life, broth. Whole family in this one, broh.), and "Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri" (Parenting is crazy, broh. Stuff straight disappearin in this one).