Posted in: CW, Riverdale, TV | Tagged: archie, betty, cable, Cheryl, comic books, Comics, cw, Josie, jughead, Kevin, riverdale, Robert Aguirre-Sacasa, streaming, television, the cw, Toni Topaz, tv, Vanessa Morgan, veronica
Riverdale: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Promises CW Series "Will Do Better"
In case you haven't been keeping up with the latest behind-the-screen Riverdale news, actress Vanessa Morgan spoke out about racism in Hollywood, calling out the long-running CW series for mistreating their black characters, specifically showrunner and creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and the other writers. In response, apparently the two had a conversation, and Aguirre-Sacasa tweeted to the fans that she's right and he supports Vanessa and promised the fans the same thing he promised Vanessa: Riverdale can and will do better. Here's a look at the message Aguirre-Sacasa posted, along with his original tweet:
"We Hear Vanessa. We Love Vanessa. She's right. We're sorry and we make the same promise to you that we did to her. We will do better to honor her and the character she plays. As well as all of our actors and characters of color. CHANGE is happening and will continue to happen. Riverdale will get bigger, not smaller. Riverdale will be part of the movement, not outside it. All of the Riverdale writers made a donation to @BLMLA, but we know where the work must happen for us. In the writers' room."
Of course, this doesn't fix all the issues magically, but acknowledging that the system is broken and promising to make active changes is a big step in the right direction. He says in his tweet that the writers all made a donation to the BLM fund in Los Angeles, but they all know the real work has to happen in the writers' room. Does this mean we're getting more of Morgan's Toni Topaz in the future? Even better, will we possibly see a return of The Pussycats or Josie's mom (Robin Givens) for that matter? I have no idea exactly how this is going to impact the stories moving forward, but I'm sure we can at least count on getting more of Toni's backstory and more depth to the character.