Posted in: AEW, Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: cucking, fanboy rampage, fanboy wrampage, jim cornette, ryan satin, wrestling
Ryan Satin vs. Jim Cornette Over Porn Star Stalking, Hot Tub Cucking
Just days after taking on AEW President Tony Khan in a Twitter flame war, WWE-shilling former TMZ reporter Ryan Satin found himself embroiled in yet another feud with legendary wrestling promoter turned change-fearing curmudgeon Jim Cornette. In a way, the flame war was an extension of the earlier battle between Satin and Khan, with Cornette shocking the world by coming to the defense of Khan for an opportunity to take a shot at his old Twitter enemy Satin. That's right, it's time for another edition of Fanboy Wrampage!
"THIS fucking wannabe garbage TV host actually blisters @TonyKhan for asking fans NOT TO CUSS at a TV taping!!" tweeted Cornette, setting aside his differences with Khan and AEW. "I got ya on this one, Tony. Hey dipshit, that's not "censorship", that's doing an acceptable all-ages show & not pissing off the network. Fucking moron. #RightIsRight" When a fan suggested Satin was actually making a point about hypocrisy, Cornette added, "No, @ryansatin was actually arguing about it with old Tony, because he's a whiny little pussy bitch that sits to piss and is always squealing about something to get himself some attention."
"God you're dumb. The show is TV-14," Satin responded. "Sounds like someone woke up in a cranky mood after a bad cucking session." Satin was referring to reports that Cornette used to watch his wife have sex with wrestlers in a hot tub while running WWE developmental territory OVW, reports which Cornette denies.
"'TV-14'. Typical amateur, just because talent can cuss a bit doesn't make it OK for the fans to scream fuck over and over," Cornette replied. "Also, it's 'fucking' session, I don't blame you for not being able to spell it since you've never actually done it. How's that porn star you were stalking?" Cornette is responding to a story where Satin reportedly rushed to a local grocery store when he learned a porn star he liked was there and then had his girlfriend, Erica Steiner, DM the porn star asking her to take a photo with her boyfriend who is too shy, only for the porn star to post that Satin had been DMing her for months.
Satin corrected him, "No, I meant cucking. Because you're known to enjoy watching people fuck your wife. There's a difference. The porn star thing is a made up story. Unlike the stories about your CUCK sessions in the hot tub."
"You don't know when to slink off, do you?" tweeted Cornette. "So the stories I hear about you are made up, but the ones you hear about me are true? Now that I think of it, stories of you having sex with anyone but the four fingers on thumb street HAVE to be made up. Look at the state of you."
This prompted a response from Steiner (no relation to Scott and Rick), who revealed that she and Satin had sex five times in the past week, tweeting, "Hey Jim! I, Ryan's hot girlfriend, thought I'd pop in real quick to let you know he's had sex with me, his hot girlfriend, 5 times this week 😘"Satin, for his part, replied, "I love you how you tweet me out of the blue insulting me, then cry about my responses. Sounds like the time you almost got your ass kicked by Santino for talking shit you couldn't back up."
Cornette struck back, "Please continue to beg for jobs, though. It's entertaining watching your desperation. I'll be over here doing whatever the fuck I want. You're dismissed for now but I'll be back later to tell you more things that are wrong with you, turdblossom."
"Beg for jobs?" Satin replied? "I literally created a job for myself by starting my own website 5 years ago and sold the site to a big company 3 years later. You, on the other hand, get fired from each job you get once they realize you're an out of touch douche who thinks racist jokes are funny." He continued, "Also lol at Cornette admitting he has to go come up with some new material since all his attempts to dunk on me failed miserably."
So who won this epic Twitter battle? Ryan Satin or Jim Cornette? Or did we all win because they both suck? Only your vote can decide.
Fanboy Rampage was a blog by Graeme "Graham" McMillan dedicated to the funniest, most ludicrous, and most inappropriate comic book back-and-forths online. McMillan has moved on now, becoming a proper journalist for the likes of The Hollywood Reporter and Wired, but he gave permission to Bleeding Cool to revive his great creation. Now, we've brought this creation into the world of sports entertainment as Fanboy Wrampage.