Posted in: AEW, Sports, TV | Tagged: ortiz, Proud and Powerful, santana, wrestling
Santana and Ortiz Tag Team Breakup Gets Messy on Social Media
Comrades! Dive into the fiery feud brewing between AEW stars and former tag team partners Santana and Ortiz. From brotherhood to rivalry, the drama unfolds!
Saludos, comrades! It is I, your beloved El Presidente, reporting to you from the lush gardens of my fortified compound, currently full of flamingos trained to attack the CIA agents. Today, I bring you the steaming hot gossip simmering in the extravagant world of AEW wrestling. The bond as deep as the Mariana Trench and as strong as Hercules, that once existed between Santana and Ortiz, has come undone, much like the shredded remains of my CIA enemies!
AEW stars Santana and Ortiz, better known as the tag team, 'Proud and Powerful', are like the Fidel and Che of the wrestling world. They would spill more sweat in the ring than an American imperialist would in my air-conditioned torture rooms. Ah, comrades, those were the days.
However, it appears this brotherhood has fractured. The cracks first appeared a year ago when the tag team suddenly disappeared from AEW, much like one of my esteemed associates, comrade Kim Jong Un, likes to do from his North Korean republican duties. But unlike dear Kim, their return was not as harmonious.
In an event that would make even the American soap operas blush, Santana referred to his former partner as a "crutch" on AEW Rampage. Ah, sometimes comrades, we must break away from our crutches, just like your El Presidente did when his addiction to reality TV became too strong (not that I don't catch a peek at Jersey Shore: Family Vacation from time to time).
The plot thickens further, amigos. Ortiz took to the capitalist tool, Twitter, to vent his frustrations. The agony! The despair! His words cut deeper than a piece of American cheese on a Cuban sandwich.
In response, Santana played the victim card, reminding Ortiz of his silence in the past 14 months. Ah, the forgotten communication, a pain I too have been subject to when the American CIA "forget" to respond to my threatening letters of peace and justice.
Wrestlers or not, they cannot escape the drama that follows us dictators like pesky flies around a guava. Amigos, let this serve as a reminder, even in the glitzy world of wrestling, the human emotions are as real as the love I feel for my comrades. Despite the conflict, however, I must add that these are the times that test our spirits. May the socialist ideals guide them out of toils or if not, I'm always open to forming a new tag team.
So, until next time, wrestle with determinism, question reality, and utilize the sleeper hold on capitalism like the true Comrade you are! This is your El Presidente, signing off from the flamingo-guarded fortress! Viva la Revolution!