Posted in: Arrow, Batwoman, Black Lightning, CW, Preview, Trailer, TV | Tagged: arrow, batwoman, black lightning, bleeding cool, cable, comic books, Comics, crisis, cw, dc, dc comics, Legends of Tomorrow, preview, Season 6, streaming, supergirl, television, The Flash, tv
"Supergirl" Season 6: "Black Mirror" Nod, Leviathan, Acrata & More [PREVIEW]
Now that we find ourselves in August and creeping ever so closer to the fall, now's a good time to update ourselves on pre-season news before The CW's "Arrowverse" shows return. With Arrow shuffling off the network's programming coil after an abbreviated eighth season (making The Flash the "elder states-show" of the "Arrowverse" as it speeds into its sixth season), Ruby Rose-starrer Batwoman as well as Black Lightning (finally!) joining the family, and a looming "Crisis" crossover so massive that even DC's Legends of Tomorrow will have to take this call (more on that below), the upcoming television season isn't lacking in change – as the news continues to flow.
Now, Supergirl showrunners Robert Rovner and Jessica Queller shared these thoughtful teases of what's still to come with TV Line:
● With a nod to Netflix's popular anthology series Black Mirror, Rovner is pitting Team Kara against the very technological world they surround themselves in:
"The hope is that people would be more engaged with what's going on and wanting to make the world a better place, but they seem to be more engaged with technology. We explore how that affects our characters and how our villains try to exploit that."
● On a more personal level, Queller reveals that "the relationship between Kara and Lena is the emotional center of the season" and that "Kara's betrayal puts that friendship front and center."
● If you think you already know all you'll need to know about Julie Gonzalo's Andrea Rojas aka Acrata, then you don't know Supergirl – as Rovner puts it: "we put our own Supergirl spin on Acrata, one that is unique to our show."
● Oh, and about Leviathan? That "uber big-bad" will have its gameplan play out over the course of the season.
● Queller also teases a major storyline shift for Eve that isn't "what fans might be expecting."
With Supergirl getting a new tag-team partner on Sundays with Batwoman as it heads into season 5 (San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2019 news here), The CW has released some early preview images for season premiere "Event Horizon." In the following images, Kara/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), Alex (Chyler Leigh), Nia/Dreamer (Nicole Maines), Hank/J'onn J'onzz (David Harewood), and Querl Dox/Brainiac 5 (Jesse Rath) are facing off against – something – in a theater setting (may have to go back and watch the movie the ep's named after for some clues).
Oh, and in case we haven't made it clear enough before? Ditching the skirt was a great decision… more practical, more badass:
The Road to "Crisis on Infinite Earths" for "Supergirl"…
Viewers can't say they weren't warned in advance. At the end of 2018's CW Arrowverse "Elseworlds" crossover that brought together The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl (and nearly DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but they let it go to machine – way too busy for all that), we saw that the end was only the beginning… of the end. As Barry (Grant Gustin) and Oliver (Amell) shared what felt like a final toast and Kate Kane's Batwoman (Rose) returned to protecting the streets of Gotham – with a sense that something felt a little off – we got a small taste of what's still to come in 2019…
"Crisis on Infinite Earths!" Worlds will live! Worlds will die!
And the CW's "Arrowverse" will never be the same…
The season's eighth episode will be the "Crisis" crossover episode – comprising the fourth hour of the crossover:
Supergirl – Sunday, December 8th (8/7c)
Batwoman – Monday, December 9th (8/7c)
The Flash – Tuesday, December 10th (8/7c)
Arrow – Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (8/7c)
DC's Legends of Tomorrow – Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (9/8c)
Black Lightning will also be represented during the crossover event… and yes, legendary Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy will star as a future version of Bruce Wayne. If that wasn't enough, Tyler Hoechlin will be returning as "The Man of Steel"… alongside the crossover's other Superman (expecting this number to grow): Brandon Routh (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), returning to the cape for the first time since his cinematic turn.
For most of their respective seasons, things have been "All Quiet on the 'Crisis' Front" when it came to Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl – but that changed in a big way during their respective season finales… even for DC's Legends of Tomorrow!
In Arrow season finale "You Have Saved This City," the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) returns to cash in on the favor that Oliver owes him: help him save the multiverse – taking a moment to tell him the "fine print": Oliver's going to die during "Crisis" and there's nothing the Monitor can do to stop it.
Then there's that matter of Future Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the trip she's taking with the Monitor to see Oliver… somewhere… and it's apparently a place she can't come back from. Hmmm…
Over at The Flash season finale "Legacy," some recent maneuverings with Time moved up the date on Barry's "red skies/2024" newspaper warning just a wee bit… to say, 2019?
The fourth season finale of Supergirl "The Quest for Peace" had The Monitor speaking to a hooded figure, telling him that now is the time for him to lead "his people" and to take revenge on his captor… and brother: J'onn J'onzz (David Harewood). Meanwhile, just because Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) may have shuffled off this mortal coil (???) doesn't mean his role in the upcoming "Crisis" is over quite yet…
DC's Legends of Tomorrow season finale "Hey, World!" found the plan to take down Neron (Brandon Routh) resulting in a major status quo change for Zari (Tala Ashe) – a change that the suddenly-appearing Monitor does not appear to approve of in any way, shape, or form. At least he got some popcorn out of it – and yes, that is The Book of Destiny he's using to balance it.
The CW's Batwoman and Supergirl premiere Sunday, October 6; while The Flash premieres Tuesday, October 8, with Arrow joining them on October 15. Black Lightning premieres the following week, on Monday, October 21.