The time of disregarding or disposing of female or queer-centered content on television continues to push against progress, and it is mainly thanks to men (specifically cisgender, straight, and often white). The gatekeeping of topics and genres are often found in genres directed at men, such as sci-fi, horror, thriller, action, and many others like them. With reality and romance or comfort-centered TV, there continues to be a shame present for any woman or man to enjoy or discuss them out in the open, especially online.
Screenshots of reaction videos for Wednesday and Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.It's not whimsical of you to openly hate something that doesn't hurt other people, or that is not created specifically for you. Men, stop the heavy sighing that no doubt is occurring while you attempt to write something like "why does this even need to be an article?" or "someone needs to get a life." You're not the nice guy you think you are for simply not giving into the shit-talking that can occur on social media about female-led or directed television. That's the bare minimum. Many shows or genres deemed "feminine" are simply looked at as lesser than by many men. Reality TV (Jersey Shore, Love is Blind, Too Hot To Handle, Big Brother, and many others) or comfort shows (New Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Broad City, Derry Girls, and others) continue to be ostracized by men online. From being considered time-wasters to unintelligent, many programs like those mentioned have been pushed away from the larger TV landscape.
Screenshots of video reactions to Batwoman.Screenshots of video reactions to She-Hulk and How I Met Your Father.While many studios and streaming platforms remove content nowadays, they also continue to remove specific content that centers around or involves women and/or the queer community. Stop drooling like a rabid dog over the fact that women direct and create content, but also stop acting like a complete douchebag when something becomes popular, even when you don't see the point of it. Women are continually given a series or subject to love, and then it is quickly taken away from them. Shows like Astrid and Lilly Save the World, Paper Girls, Batwoman, The Wilds, Gentleman Jack, Wynonna Earp, The Bold Type, Glow, Gordita Chronicles, FBOY Island, and many others were canceled before they could flourish or cut before they gave answers or developed characters. With shows like Paper Girls, we were at least given a release about the cancellation, but some shows like Astrid and Lilly Save the World were ignored and never truly given good answers to their disappearance (I'm looking at you, SYFY).
This opinion piece may come off as cynical in itself, but believe me; it's nothing compared to the way men will dissect and tear apart something on television that is loved by women or the queer community. The men behind their keyboards or "just being honest" blog posts continue to be cowards, and I feel bad for those women or queer people who may know them. There's no harm in letting someone deeply love a series or character. There are some of you that don't think you do so, but you'll judge the women or even other men in your lives for enjoying reality TV, queer-led stories, and more. You're looking at those close to you as lesser than for their interests that keep them sane in a world already so difficult to exist or live genuinely in. Stop asking about every detail of a franchise, favorite songs from a band, the history of television (especially to women who have an education in it), and other media. Let people enjoy things, specifically let other people besides white cisgender straight men show passion in the landscape of television. Hating and seeing any little thing wrong with a series, especially those enjoyed by a diverse audience, won't do anything but stir shit up. On a final note… men, please stop being a cynical "pick-me bitch" and let women enjoy TV.
In love with media, from TV to film, you'll find me writing recaps, TV/Film reviews, TV news, opinion pieces and more! Bisexual, queer, and proud! A bit of a creative mess with a love for dark humor, promoting important projects, and sharing interesting finds.
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