Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: NXT, ratings, wrestling, wwe
WWE NXT Ratings Plummet; Is There No Bottom to This Pit of Despair?
Hello, God. It's Me. The Chadster. The Chadster knows he hasn't been praying a lot lately, and his attendance at church since the pandemic started leaves something to be desired. But in general, The Chadster has been a good boy. The Chadster treats others with kindness. He doesn't indulge in too many white claw seltzers too often. He never cusses. And, perhaps most importantly, The Chadster dutifully tunes into every show WWE produces, every week, and then he logs onto this website and cheerfully extolls the virtues of WWE, week after week, especially The Chadster's beloved WWE NXT.
So why, despite all of that, despite The Chadster's faith in WWE and The Lord, do the ratings for WWE NXT keep falling every gosh dang week?! Are people tuning into AEW Dark instead of NXT?! Tony Khan, it's time to do the right thing and move AEW Dark off Tuesday nights! NXT gave up Wednesday nights to you! It's only fair.
Of course, Tony Khan won't move AEW Dark off Tuesdays because Tony Khan is a bully. And that's why he's totally to blame for what happened to NXT this week. According to Showbuzz Daily, NXT was ranked 25th on cable for the night, down our spots from last week. In the 18-49 demographic, NXT dropped from a .18 to a .17. And in overall viewership, the part that really cuts deep for The Chadster, WWE NXT lost 64,000 viewers, falling from 761,000 to 697,000 viewers.
How much lower can WWE NXT fall? Now it's in your hands, God. If you're real, then The Chadster knows that you'll make this right and NXT will win in the end. Don't let The Chadster's faith go unrewarded. And that's the bottom line 'cause Chad said so!