Posted in: Comics | Tagged: charlotte, dan didio, dc comics, north carolina, summit
Did Dan DiDio Apologise To DC Comics Creators?
Before the recent top-secret DC creative summit, Bleeding Cool ran a suggestion box, printing suggestions from actual DC comic creators about how they'd like to see things change.
Whether it was because of that list, or because of those sentiments also being expressed face-to-face, I don't know. But I'm told that at the summit, Publisher Dan DiDio apologised to creators gathered around.
With President Diane Nelson to his side, DiDio admitted that there had been problems in the editorial chain, apologised for the repeated back-and-forths on people's scripts and art, and committed to reducing such editorial inputs once an editorial direction has been agreed upon and approved.
And Diane Nelson said she'd ensure this happened.
Which left a number of frustrated people… rather happy actually. Let's see how it plays out.
I'd make a joke about how to takes a big man to apologise, but I need to hit the treadmill first. After I've had pizza.