Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 2013, Comics, december, marvel, marvel. solicitations, spider-man
A Quick Runaround Marvel's December 2013 Solicitations – What's Up With Them Spider Titles?
So what have we learned from Marvel's solicitations?
Scarlet Spider ending so soon after Venom? Both titles had decent sales… something's up. New Spider-related books for All-New Marvel Now in 2014? That's what I've been hearing.
• It's over. Kaine did his best to be a hero. He failed.
• What about Houston?! Who lives? Who dies? Is there a place for the Scarlet Spider in this world? The answers will surprise you.
• Two years and 25 issues have led to THIS! Guest starring: MEXICO!
And if Peter Parker is indeed back with Amazing Spider-Man #700.1, #700.2, #700.3, #700.4,and #700.5, could have really been taken by the supernatural folks from Twin Peaks?
What is the Black Lodge? And how has Spider-Man been trapped there, surrounded by his deadliest foes?
Sorry folks, this was originally announced as Peter Parker:Spider-Man, it's all flashback! Also Marvel get a title in three digits again!
With Uncanny X-Men giving us an Inhumanity tie in with #15.INH, (seriously there are six titles with this numbering system, how's a collector meant to arrange then? some guidance is needed!) and a ladies night out that harkens back to the eighties, shouldn't that be Tempus, not Tempest in the foreground? Or do we have a name change?
And with those worried that X-Men Legacy #21 solicitations sound like it's the last issue.
• Legion's final showdown with the monster in his mind that wears the face of his deceased father!
• This is the climactic story this series has been building to, guest-starring the allies Legion has made along the way…and not all of them will emerge unscathed!
The Amazon listing of the trade has it up to issue #24 at least!
And Monet joins the X-Men. Although CBR's listing of solicitations had it as Frenzy for a little while.
What does this mean, if anything for an X-Factor relaunch?
And yes, the next solicitations to be released by Marvel and DC will be for the year 2014. So they will all come with jetpacks on the cover.