A Brand New Ultimate Spider-Man made the top of Bleeding Cool traffic yesterday. And I am back on my way to London Toy Fair!
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: ar, Comics, infinity, marvel
A Most Peculiar Conversation In Infinity – Marvel AR
There seems to be some issues with some of the Marvel AR content in recent comics. The Thanos's son AR moment in New Avengers #10 towards the end of the issue just doesn't work (when an earlier AR mention does) and there are two AR spots in Indestructible Hulk #13, neither or which work.
And despite being mentioned on the cover , there seem to be no AR spots in Uncanny X-Men #12, X-Men #4, Thor #13, Fearless Defenders #9 or Deadpool #16…
But of those that do work, we start off with something rather special…
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