Posted in: Movies | Tagged: entertainment, film, games, Lar DeSouza, Looking for Group, NYCC, ryan sohmer
Like Role Playing Games – Try Looking For Group Or Castle Assault
Jon Johnson writes for Bleeding Cool:
Kickstarter has been a monumental success in the business plans for many games and game companies since the site went viral. Two games, one post Kickstarter and one pre-, are present at the 2014 New York Comic Con.
Looking For Group is a Canadian web comic series in the fantasy genre, with a humorous flair. Its popularity, as well as with the interest of the series' creators, Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza, pushed them to develop the comic into a role playing game utilizing the popular Pathfinder rule set from Paizo Publishing. A success through Kickstarter, the Looking For Group Boxed Set was released at this year's GenCon (the largest North American game convention) and is available at NYCC, as well as a supplemental adventure to go along with the box. If you know nothing about the comic and enjoy role playing new settings, this could be a winner for you. If you are a regular Pathfinder aficionado, you could do no wrong with getting a copy. With new races, spells and feats, you're going to benefit from the experience. Besides, every game needs a little more humor from time to time. You can also get copies of the printed Looking For Group, so get caught up on this gem while you can. Or visit and see the newest episodes.
In November, Momentum Volsk will be launching their Kickstarter to fund their new game, Castle Assault. Designed for one or two players, Castle Assault is a card-based strategy game on a designed game mat. The vigorously energetic designers are at the show with the game, where you can sit down and play against them or other convention attendees, learning the nuances of the cards, their powers and how to win. If you like Magic: the Gathering or similar games, you'll likely be attracted to Castle Assault. If you dislike Magic: the Gathering, you may find yourself interested in the game as it specifically chooses to ignore aspects of that system, streamlining and simplifying where needed. The mat, or board, effects game play as well, and there are variant scenarios to keep play fresh and exciting. Their site,, give you all the necessary information regarding their impending Kickstarter campaign, or you can visit them at many upcoming shows, as well as the remaining days of NYCC.