Posted in: Movies | Tagged: brian bendis, Comics, entertainment, isaac permutter, kevin feige, Mark Miller, marvel, Marvel Studios, studio
So Which Marvel Studio Films Did The Creative Committee Influence The Most?
Bleeding Cool recently reported how the Marvel Creative Committee, most recently consisting of President Alan Fine, Publisher Dan Buckley, CCO Joe Quesada and writer Brian Bendis supported by CEO Isaac Perlmutter, who met to give notes on Marvel's films, was shut down months ago by studio head Kevin Feige, prior to his move to remove Marvel Studios from the wider Marvel company.
But when it came to the films, all they gave were only ever suggestions. Intended to be considered by Kevin Feige, and then acted upon or ignored, depending.
After talking to Disney sources, and relying on some public knowledge, for better or worse, these are films that the MCC's suggestions most influenced:
Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War.
Indeed, from that original Iron Man film, comic creators were brought in by the MCC to work on the film. Bendis wrote the post credit scene with Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury, but Matt Fraction and Mark Millar were involved, and Millar has talked about pushing to switch the Mandarin as the Big Bad in favour of the Iron Monger.
And the films that the MCC have had the least, or no, influence on: Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age Of Ultron.
Hulk, Ant Man and the Thors, are somewhere in the middle. What conclusions you may draw from this are your own.
But for those that state that the MCC was heavy handed and had to be canned, they simply didn't have that power. For those that argue that they had no influence, so what was the point of them, we can see on the screen that wasn't the case. As ever the truth was in the middle, a celebration of a collaboration from all sides.
But as of now, that collaboration is done.