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Bruce Wayne And Harvey Dent Went To Summer School Together – And Stopped Batman Becoming Deathstroke (All Star Spoilers)
Today's All-Star Batman #3 gives us a flashback to an earlier time when Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent, the Two-Face to be, went to summer school together. I know, news to me too.
I know, news to me too. Writer Scott Snyder is taking advantage of DC Rebirth and New 52 to throw in all sorts of continuity implants. If the timelines could be rearranged, maybe we could see the Gotham TV show pick this up like they have Court Of Owls?
We have a murderous Bruce Wayne seeking revenge and Alfred taking away his guns. Then sending him to an Arkham school in Innsmouth, the fictitious town from HP Lovecraft based on Providence, currently being explored by a comic of that very name by Alan Moore.
Seriously all this happens on one page. Hell, the above paragraphs is just two panels of it. This may be the most densely concentrated series of story bombs in one page in a Batman comic since Detective Comics #27. The first one. Watch the John Romita Jr/Danny Miki/Dean White pencils, inks and colours flow through…
And then giving us both a new origin to Two Face, and presenting us with a Batman that would have been without Dent's influence. One eye, bearing so many guns… that's a souped-up Deathstroke.
Talking of whom, Deathstroke goes Batman hunting in today's Deathstroke #4 and reveals Christopher Priest to be one of the best Batman writers as well. And gets his take on Batman putting his own son in the firing line, callously portrayed by Joe Bennett, Mark Morales and Jeremy Cox.
If you like Batman – or rather you like thinking about the implications of Batman, you;r getting a double treat today…
All-Star Batman #5 and Deathstroke #4 are both published by DC Comics today.