Posted in: Comics, Conventions | Tagged: A+X, anime, AnimeExpo, conventions, cosplay, DragonBall Z, gallery, los angeles, pokemon
Anime Expo Hits Los Angeles; Check Out This Gallery
The last weekend of June/first few days of July means one thing to Los Angeles anime aficionados, Anime Expo (AX). The convention is large, one of the largest for anime on the west coast, pulling in close to 110,000 attendees annually.
You may have seen some of the hellish visions of the lines outside the Los Angeles Convention Center, the wave of humanity clamoring to get into the exhibit halls on the first morning of the event. (This video by Michelle Bradley is from Day 2, and contains a whole lotta nope):
But as always, cosplayers brought their A-games to Anime Expo, costumes from across all fandoms appearing. This collection of images comes from our talented friend Ellen Towne, who was awesome enough to allow us to share the gallery with you guys:
Thanks again so much for sharing these images with us, Ellen! They're fabulous!
Despite the current climate regarding cosplay and weapons, anime cosplayers seem to have a leg up on the more realistic weapons (think Resident Evil umbrella corp folks with their guns vs Final Fantasy giant frak-off swords). Just thinking about what the staffers/volunteers have to go through at the weapons check makes my toes curl.
Pretty creative stuff, right? What's your favorite cosplay from this gallery? Did you attend AX and dress up? We'd love to see what you wore!