Posted in: Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Recent Updates, Showtime, TV | Tagged: bclive, cable, Dale Cooper, david lynch, Kyle MacLachlan, let's rock, liveblog, showtime, spoke nyc, television, tv, twin peaks, Twin Peaks The Return
Playing With Fire: 'Twin Peaks' S03E12 – Let's Rock (BC Liveblog)
Welcome to Playing With Fire: Twin Peaks S03E12 – Let's Rock, Bleeding Cool's liveblog play-by-play of Sunday night's episode on Showtime. I'm going to be sharing with you my thoughts, opinions and random off-topic comments that come my way, so make sure to let me know what you think!
● This page should update…but refresh just to make sure because I've been known to ramble quickly.
● If you're going to social media to talk about what we're talking about, go with: #bclive and #liveblog.
● While you're waiting (or if you just need a breather from all of my wit, charm and brooding sensuality), check-out some cool additional Twin Peaks-related stuff including: an excellent three-part mini-documentary from Showtime on the pop culture impact of Twin Peaks; an incredibly well-done retrospect on the road to The Return; a video overview of SPOKE NYC's most recent David Lynch tribute art exhibit; and links to past Bleeding Cool coverage.
● So that's it! I'll be on a few minutes before 9:00pm EST to start the show…hope you join me!
Here's the three-part mini-doc series Twin Peaks: The Phenomenon (and make sure to check-out Showtime's Twin Peaks YouTube page for quick looks at past episodes:
Here's an incredibly well-edited retrospect on the road to The Return:
I was lucky enough to be able to swing-by SPOKE NYC only hours before their opening night reception for their exhibit, 'In Dreams' – An Art Show Tribute to David Lynch, a celebration of Lynch's cinematic style and influence over the past several decades that ran through the end of April 2017 at their 210 Rivington Street gallery. Scheduled to coincide with the return of Twin Peaks, over 80 artists from around the world were selected to freely demonstrate their passion for Lynch and his work through their choice of subject matter and medium, with this exhibit's works ranging from paintings and sculptures to fine art prints.
Twin Peaks Season 3, Episode 11 Recap: "There's No Backup For This"
'Twin Peaks' Part 10: Over Halfway There And We're…Somewhere
'Twin Peaks': Kyle MacLachlan Believes Lynch Honors Late Actors
Twin Peaks Live Blog – Join Us For Parts 3 And 4!
Review: Finally, The Return Of Twin Peaks,With All Of The Wonderful Frustration That Goes With It