Posted in: Movies | Tagged: clowns, HRL, IT, pam moody
World Clown Association On 'It': "Horror Clowns" Are Not "Real Clowns"
Some institutions, such as the Alamo Drafthouse and the Donald Trump administration, have embraced the ethos of scary clowns, with the former recently announcing a series of clown-only screenings of It and the latter being a total clown, which is scary since he's also the president of the United States. But one organization is fed up with scary clowns giving regular clowns (who are allegedly not scary) a bad name.
"Last year we were really blindsided," said World Clown Association president Pam Moody in an interview with THR, referring to a rash of teenagers dressing as scary clowns and scaring people around the country. "We've since created a press kit to prepare clowns for the movie coming out."
Moody says that the first It adaptation turned children against clowns, and that society has an unfair double standard of persecuting clowns for being scary over other scary costumed characters who are just as frightening. "They're different from regular people — they're costumed characters. But no one is picking on the Santa Clauses, because that would ruin the retail business. It would ruin Christmas for everybody."
Capitalism is at the root of all evil. Even evil clowns.
The press kit Moody mentions is a single-page PDF titled "WCA Stand on Scary Clowns !!" with two exclamation points, to inform member clowns that this is serious business and not a joke. You can read its contents right here.
*motions reader to come closer and then squirts them in the face with water from a trick flower*
Hahaha! Why would anyone have a problem with clowns?
Check out the press kit below:
"We at the World Clown Association are proponents of positive, family-friendly entertainment. We believe the art of clown is something to be treasured and enjoyed by audience's world-wide. We bring a happy, joyful, creative, caring, positive, and fun experience to our audiences.
We understand that some people enjoy the 'horror genre' of entertainment, but we find that many people are confronted by images of horror characters (impersonating clowns)and are startled by them…which is obviously the goal of these horror characters. In my opinion, these horror characters are not clowns. Even the character in the movie 'IT' should be understood to be a fantasy character –not a true clown.
Just as a Haunted House event may have a 'doctor' wearing surgical gear, carrying a bloody chainsaw, people need to understand that this character is NOT a real doctor. He is a person portraying an evil character in order to scare people. In the same way, people dressed as horror clowns are not 'real clowns.' They are taking something innocent and wholesome and perverting it to create fear in their audience.
Please understand, just because someone wears a rubber Halloween mask, that does not make one a clown! The horror movie character, 'Jason,' wears a hockey goalie mask. But people would be mistaken if they actually thought he was a hockey player! We disavow any relationship with these 'horror characters.'
We stand with our safety officers who call for an end to the traumatization of individuals and communities by horror characters in public. Anyone making a threat of violence should be arrested, whether this person is wearing a mask or not. This clearly is not the act of a professional clown.
The World Clown Association shares laughs and 'comic relief' everywhere for the positive, wholesome, enjoyment of their audiences. It is true that various horror clown portrayals work against our goal. We hope our audience realizes that there are different categories in entertainment. We stay on the positive side of things providing fun, g-rated, child-friendly entertainment. We also recommend that young children not be exposed to horror movies which are intended for mature audiences."