Posted in: Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Review, Trailer, TV, YouTube | Tagged: action, cable, Christopher Meloni, comedy, comic books, Comics, darick robertson, drama, embargo, embargoed, Episode 4, grant morrison, graphic novels, happy, live blog, liveblog, Nick Sax, patton oswalt, recap, Review, Sax, Season 1, streaming, syfy, television, tv, Year of the Horse
Happy! Season 1, Episode 4 Recap: "I Love a Story with a Happy Ending"
We're back once again for Bleeding Cool's weekly recap of Syfy's Happy! and another round of "reminder recap;" and even though we don't get a new episode this week, we've still got our sights set on waxing nostalgically about last week's Episode 4, 'Year of the Horse.'
Happy! Episode 104 'Year of the Horse': The horrors of yin-yang fish! Sax and Happy follow their fortunes to Chinatown while Merry's search draws her ever closer to Very Bad Santa.
So my Happy! live-blogs and recaps are less "formal reviews" and more of a review/recap hybrid (a "rev-ap"-type thing): I'm going to cover the nitty and the gritty of the episode, along with some of my thoughts on what worked and what should've be left untouched by human hands. If you're not familiar with the graphic novel series, then definitely keep that in mind as you keep reading or watching. If you know what's coming, then spoilers probably aren't going to be a big deal for you; but there may be some discussion (translation: rants) of either subtle changes or drastic differences that you might want to avoid until you see them for yourself.
For a look back at our live blog of last week's 'Year of the Horse', feel free to make your way here.
Happy! co-creator Grant Morrison spoke about the differences in working in television now as compared to his experiences in the past with the television series process:
Grant Morrison Talks Happy! and How Networks Now Want "More"
"Over twenty years ago, shows like American Gods, The Handmaid's Tale and Masters of Sex had about as much chance at mainstream success as clear Pepsi and newly-flavored Coke. But over time, the networks were forced to contend with some heavy-hitting competition in the form of premium cable networks (HBO, Showtime), basic cable channels (AMC, TNT) and the growing influence of online/streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, YouTube Red). As more and more content providers started to pop up, there came the realization that to be a proper "content provider," you'd actually need content – and like tru TV discovered early on, a channel cannot survive on "reality" programming alone. Scripted content became key.
No one understands this more than writer Grant Morrison (Animal Man, We3), who is currently developing and executive producing Syfy's adaptation of his and Darick Robertson's graphic graphic novel Happy!…"
Happy! is based on New York Times best-selling author Morrison and Robertson's graphic novel of the same name, and stars Christoper Meloni (Law & Order: SVU), Patton Oswalt (Ratatouille), Joseph Reitman (Money Monster), Lili Mirojnick (Friends With Benefits), Patrick Fischler (Twin Peaks: The Return), Ritchie Coster (True Detective) and Zabryna Guevara (Gotham).
Join me Wednesday nights at 10:00 pm ET for Happy Trails, Bleeding Cool's live-blog of the ten-episode series. We'll have the live-blog post go live at 9:00 pm ET for some pre-game fun, so please make sure to check out Bleeding Cool's website and Twitter accounts (@bleedingcool, @bleedingcooltv, @bcoolfilm) for updates… see you then!
Happy Trails! Episode 104: Join Us for Bleeding Cool's Happy! Live-Blog!
Happy! Season 1, Episode 3 Recap: "Does It Matter?"
Happy Trails! Episode 103: Join Us for Bleeding Cool's Happy! Live-Blog!
Happy! Season 1, Episode 2 Recap: "Everyone Hates You, Sax"
The Weekly Static Interviews: Patrick Fischler of Happy! and Twin Peaks
Happy Trails! Episode 102: Join Us for Bleeding Cool's Happy! Live-Blog!
Happy! Season 1, Episode 1 Recap: "Less Paperwork if He's Dead."
Happy! Scores Big Numbers for Syfy with Series Debut
Happy! Season 1, Episode 1 Recap: Saint Nick
Happy Trails!: Join Us for Bleeding Cool's Happy! Live-Blog!
First Impressions Of Syfy's 'Happy!' Pilot And More From NYCC 2017