Posted in: Games, Games Workshop, Tabletop | Tagged: Games Workshop, warhammer, Warhammer Age of Sigmar
'Carrion Empire' Sets Sights to Carve Up Warhammer Universe
Games Workshop just released a bunch of preview images for their Carrion Empire boxed set for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, along with a bunch of new releases to support both armies featured in the box.
We always get a little giddy when Skaven are in the mix, and this giant boxed set gives you some heavy hitters for your rat-folk! Carrion Empire includes 1 Doomwheel, 1 Warp Lightning Cannon, 3 hulking Stormfiends, and 1 Warlock Bombardier, which is a brand new model and exclusive to this set:
On the Flesheater Courts side of the box, you'll get 20 Crypt Ghouls, 3 Crypt Horrors, 3 Crypt Flayers, and the exclusive Abhorrant Archregent. Soak in the majesty of this creepy sack of evil:
The Carrion Empire boxed set also includes the 40-page Carrion Empire book, a Warhammer Age of Sigmar core rules booklet, a sheet of tokens, and 8 warscroll cards. This will be a great set to share between two people who are looking into getting into Warhammer and a great way for established players to save some money on a whole ton of figures!
There's a whole lot more coming, too! Both the Skaven and Flesheater Courts will be receiving new Battletomes, allowing players a whole host of new options when fielding these armies!
New allegiance abilities allow you to harness the unique talents of the skaven clans, from the ingenious inventors of Skryre to the stealthy assassins of the Clans Eshin. You can focus on one or combine their abilities in a single, powerful army. Warscroll battalions, artefacts, spell lores and more give you even more choice when writing your lists and fighting your battles.
This battletome includes an updated suite of rules, designed to make your army more fun, more flavourful and more powerful in battle. By dedicating your collection to a Grand Court, you'll unlock distinct abilities, such as taking Zombie Dragons as Battleline units or moving across the battlefield with furious speed.
Both armies are receiving Endless Spells sets, too, matching the look and feel of each army to awesome game pieces representing the spells in action. The Skaven set has plenty of weird vortex energy at play, and a swarm of rats too:
The Flesheater Courts won't be out-classed, though, with an Endless Spells set that has freaking zombie horses erupting out of the ground!
Finally, check out these terrain pieces! The Gnarholes scenery allows Skaven to dive into nearby holes, and re-emerge from other holes on the battle-field:
The Charnel Throne is available to Flesheater Courts players and confers a variety of buffs to your army while affecting the Bravery of enemy units:
All of these additions to the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar gaming universe are up for pre-order now from your independent game store or Games Workshop stockist!