Posted in: Comics, Image, Marvel Comics | Tagged: #MakeComics, absolute carnage, Comics, Donny Cates, image, marvel, spawn, spawn #300, spawn 301, todd mcfarlane
As Spawn #300 Beats Absolute Carnage #1, Donny Cates Has an Offer to Todd McFarlane…
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported the news that Spawn #300 by Todd McFarlane and friends was the most-ordered comic in September, and the second most-ordered of the year, beating out Absolute Carnage, HOXPOX, DCeased, Black Cat, War Of The Realms and everything else other than Detective Comics #1000.
Absolute Carnage writer Donny Cates, and current Venom writer, co-created by Todd McFarlane, took it with good grace and had a suggestion for Todd…
Will your Marvel contract allow for such, Donny? Do they have a clause for such things?
Here's a look at Spawn #301 on the printing presses, courtesy of Todd.