Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: 5g, dc comics, timeline
DC to Publish Generation One: Age Of Mysteries Through To Generation Five: Age of Tomorrow
DC Comics are dropping the latest of their DC Timeline rewriting bombs, that Bleeding Cool has been reporting, following and interpreting for some time.
Generation One: Age Of Mysteries by Andy Schmidt and Doug Mahnke will take place in the First Generation of the DC Universe, which begins with the emergence of Wonder Woman during World War II, and represents the Golden Age of Comics.
Published on May 27th, it t will be the first of five 48-page prestige format one-shots, followed monthly by; Generation Two: Age of the Metahuman, Generation Three: Age of Crisis, Generation Four: Age of Rebirth and Generation Five: Age of Tomorrow. Is Generation Five the new name for 5G? They will also follow the Free Comic Book Day title Generation Zero: Gods Among Us, in stores on Free Comic Book Day, May 2nd, 2020.
They will have a storyline written by Brian Bendis, Dan Jurgens, Andy Schmidt, Robert Venditti, and Joshua Williamson, drawn by Doug Mahnke, Bryan Hitch, Mikel Janín, Ivan Reis, David Marquez, and more, each representing a different age.
In a press release, DC Publisher Dan DiDio stated
The Generation series of specials are built to bring the new DC timeline to life. With Generation One: Age of Mysteries and every subsequent volume we'll be shining a spotlight on the 80-plus-year publishing history of the DC universe while charting the course for the bright future of DC's characters. All of our greatest stories and events will create the backdrop and context for the great new adventures we have planned. Everything counts, and we guarantee there'll be surprises along the way!
Bleeding Cool has been reporting the 'Everything counts, everything matters' mantra of the new DC timeline for some time as well. DC states that,
Readers of Generation One: Age of Mysteries will witness firsthand major events from throughout the history of the DC universe as seen through the eyes of characters like Wonder Woman, Lucius Fox, Alfred Pennyworth, Green Lantern (Alan Scott), The Spectre (Jim Corrigan), Mister Terrific (Terry Sloane), and others.
With these questions to be answered over the one-shot specials.
- What was the previously undocumented "big bang" of the Age of Mysteries?
- Which character truly ushers in the dawn of Super Heroes, inspiring all the rest?
- What was the real reason behind the Justice Society of America's retirement?
- Which Golden Age hero will become history's greatest villain?
- What contentious alliance kept the Wayne family dynasty alive after Thomas and Martha's deaths?
- Who are the new, never-seen-before wildcards that will be instrumental in fashioning DC's push to the future?
Wildcards… wildstorms perhaps? DC states that these five books will have all the answers to these questions, setting up DC's boldest storylines ever while laying the groundwork for more excitement to come.
Each of DC's Generation one-shots will feature a cover by Jim Cheung and a variant cover by Gary Frank. will follow monthly after Generation One: Age of Mysteries.