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30 Thoughts About 30 Comics – Its All About The Choom Choom Choom….
Another week, another New Comic Day! Here we go folks! Strap yourselves in…
Gwenpool makes her first appearance out of the back of Howard The Duck. Which really shouldn't sound so right.
Exodus: The Life After has their priorities straight.
While Velvet already has a drink… and a man shaped cigarette holder.
The Eighth Doctor Who has the right idea as well.
As do the Guardians Of The Galaxy. Let's all go get drunk everyone.
Deadpool brings ISIS a little closer to home…
Tony Stark has seen Iron Man 3 and totally wants to try it out, don't you think? Maybe he just wants a meme all of his own. Or it's all he has left to say after a kiss these days.
Bat-Mite gets his trip to the White House to deal with Canada…
…a plan that We Stand Alone seems to have already followed through with.
Naturally Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #46 has a few to spare too.
Choom Chooms all over the place as well, courtesy of Elephantmen.
Nova joins the big Eight Months Late Conspiracy, revealing a major change in is life that he seems utterly unaware of…
Detective Comics sees the new Batman living up to the name of the comic, but on a macro scale, along with some other heavy lifters.
Cassandra Cain leaves her mark in Batman & Robin Eternal….
Though the Orphan is not as angry as this guy in the amazing Monstress #1. Never mind the quality (though there's lots of that too) feel the width!
And on a day when Garth Ennis revives Johnny Red and Warren Ellis does James Bond, Grant Morrison does Santa Claus in Klaus. Oh and there are aliens.
Oh and Si Spurrier revives Absolom Daak for The Eleventh Doctor. This truly is the Golden Age.
While the aliens in Paper Girls could be future aliens instead. Glad to see geek pendantry alive and well in the eighties…
While the aliens in Hercules are demons that can be defeated with Google Glass. One of the teems of this comic is the hybrid nature of gods of old and the gods of new in technology…
And this is why you should always let Chris Bachalo draw any comic book he wants, from Doctor Strange.
This is what a domestic dispute is like in a Vision world where you create your own family – and they still argue with you. Hmm, just like humans….
Johnny Red looks at the cost of inflation….
The Undead Monk in Ninjak #9 – I think he's going to need a new name now. The Dead Monk should do.
I missed out on pickinh up Pacific Rim today. But that's okay, that's what Atomic Robo #3 is for.
Marketing interns are always used for infernal devices. Insufferable #7 teaches us nothing new in that regard.
This Damned Band shows that it's not just the suits that screw the creators, the creators are more than happy to do it to themselves…
That really would have made for a fake moon landing film, in Mickey Mouse #6. NASA should do a double check.
You'd believe that Spock's raised eyebrow was really there (even if the badge wasn't), as John Byrne continues his "photochop" job on Star Trek New Visions #9.
The October Faction #10… Geoff coming back… two friends…. they couldn't be Dan DiDio and Jim Lee could they? Sorry, sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. But we end with Harley Quinn and Power Girl…
Not in the eye! Not in the eye!
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, opening an exhibition of cartoonists paying tribute to creators, characters and stories that have had an impact in their own work, including Siobhan Alcaide, John Allison, Andy Barron,Hannah Berry, Robert Brown, , Alessandra Criseo, William Exley, Jack Fallows, James Gifford, Julian Hanshaw, Warwick Johnson-Cadwell, Mike Medaglia, Philippa Rice, Julia Scheele, Hamish Steele, Jack Teagle, Donya Todd and Tillie Walden. Opening night Friday 6th at 7pm, running through November.