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79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

79% of MCM London Comic Con attendees preferring Marvel to DC may be the excuse that DC Comics need to come backl to the UK big time.

Article Summary

  • 79% of MCM Comic Con fans favor Marvel over DC, impacting brand strategies.
  • MCM attendees show a high interest in gaming, anime, and fantasy genres.
  • Streaming services like Crunchyroll are popular among MCM's crowd over TV.
  • MCM visitors are seen as influencers, driving further engagement and recommendations.

At the Pop Culture Summit being held at MCM London Comic Con, Chris Whittle of the London-based pop culture marketing agency Experience12, who have worked with Netflix, Disney, Warner Bros, Universal, Amazon Prime, Paramount, Lego, Sky, 2K and many more, shared data that they had been gathering from attendees at many MCM London Comic Cons over the years, after interviewing over 20,000 attendees, as well as attendees at NYCC and conventional audiences for control purposes. And they have allowed Bleeding Cool to share it with you as well. Aren't they kind?79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

So attendees skew you, and I am one of the 5% of over 45 year old attendees at MCM. Only slightly more male than female, and a larger than population make-up of non-binary and trans attendees. And a third at the show were there for the first time. As for comics at the Comic Con? 4% as the attendees favourite… genre? Medium, surely… but we know what they mean. It's all about the games.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

However, they do have strong opinions about Marvel and DC, with 79% favouring Marvel as a brand. Though that has changed over time…

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

With the Wonder Woman and Avengers Endgame being high points of difference for the respective franchises. But when it comes to TV, MCM attendees are less likely to be superhero fans than the normal audience. They are all about fantasy. animation and sci-fi.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics


There is a definite above-average subscription rate to anime-streaming Crunchyroll, which beats out Now TV, Apple TV, Paramount and YouTube Premium in the streaming stakes and is liked more than Amazon Prime.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

And with 35% of them going to the cinema three times a month, it's no wonder that film beats TV. But gaming, as we have seen, is the favourite obsession.79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

An average of three consoles per household and still 41% prefer playing on PCs? There's a lot of wasted tech out there…

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

And it's also seen as being good for mental health and connecting with friends. It feels like my youngest daughter just wrote all this.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

As for comparison with non-MCM attendees, MCM folk prefer streaming and live TV is even less of a concern.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

And, yes, Instagram seems to be the greatest spreader of information on social.79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

People are spending less… well just over half are. Which means that people are spending less.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

And half of MCM attendees believe that they are the influenceres in their lives, a majority have MCM interaction increasing their later engagement and recommendation to others.

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

And what does it mean?

79% Of MCM London Comic Con Attendees Prefer Marvel To DC Comics

It seems it means that you should set up at MCM London Comic Con if you are making games. But also that comics needs to pull its socks up.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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