Posted in: Comics | Tagged: andy diggle, Comics, dynamite, entertainment, James Bond: Hammerhead, Luca Casalanguida
Advance Review – James Bond: Hammerhead #3
I forget at times how much I like James Bond. Any time a new film comes out, I go see it and then I re-watch a bunch of the previous movies, maybe read one of the novels, etc. And then my attention moves on to other things until the next new story comes about. But with Dynamite producing Bond comics… really good Bond comics… I am appreciating the character even more.
James Bond: Hammerhead is the series by Andy Diggle and Luca Casalanguida and it feels like a Daniel Craig version of a Bond story. Fast paced, lots of action and modern. While Warren Ellis' run on the series feels more like a classic Bond with Sean Connery. Both are a lot of fun.
With the third issue of Hammerhead, things keep moving along. Bond has hooked up with the girl, gotten his special car and is on the trail of the bad guy. But for the first time, someone is able to use the car against him… and it's quite spectacular. Its a scene that would translate really well into live action.
There is also a moment where we are reminded that Bond is more than just a 'blunt instrument' as Judi Dench refers to him as in Casino Royale. He is able to connect some dots here pretty fast that shows he's intelligent and a good investigator. More than just a thug.
Diggle's writing is good, but then again this is the type of genre he excels at. Casalanguida is doing a really nice job with the art. The car scene in particular could've been tricky, but it's the highlight up the issue.
James Bond: Hammerhead continues to be a good entry into the Bond universe of stories.