Japan's Spider-Man, Takuya Yamashiro, For The Spider-Verse, by Kyle Higgins, Mat Groom and Luciano Vecchio
Posted in: Batman, Comics, Crisis, DC Comics, Justice League, Superman | Tagged: dc comics, infinite frontier
Answering Some Of Today's Infinite Frontier Questions (Spoiler)
As Bleeding Cool reported at the weekend, this week's DC Comics ads for Infinite Frontier have questions to ask. And some comic books out this week have some more answers to give – and probably some more questions to be asked. Here's a spoiler-ish look at some of them.
- What Team Is Oracle Forming And Why? Well, that looks like her Batgirls. Will this be the start of a new Birds Of Prey? A new Batgirls comic by Alyssa Wong?
- What Is Fear State? Gotham, as created by Scarecrow, Simon Saint and others.
- Why Is Clark Kent Leading A New Version Of The Authority? He's trying to recreate a Justice League-style team that fell apart over internal divisions.
- Will Jonathan Kent Be Able To Fill His Fathers Shoes As Superman? He is going to be an interventionist Superman. Make the kind of changes his father did not. Upset the status quo. Maybe become a tyrant. And no longer standing for America.
- Can Wonder Woman Escape The Godsphere And Return To Earth. Probably. She escapes the Goshphere this week – just not to Earth. Yet.
- Which Hero Is Wearing A Black Lantern Ring? Roy Harper. Though he is reluctant to call himself Black Arrow (see below).
- Has The Fastest Man Alive Outrun His Past? Looks like nothing was ever his fault.
- How Is Roy Harper Alive? See answer to question 6. Today's Flash Annual is more concerned with how he died. But there are also more questions as to how his daughter is alive…
And to what his new name might be…
.. he doesn't want to go for the obvious. Also talking of the Scarecrow and the Fear State…
Also, it turns out that Cheer's wife was responsible for Scarecrow's original fear formula.All depends if it escaped Diretcor Bones eagle-non-existing-eyes.

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