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Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms – A Lettered Preview

Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms - A Lettered Preview

Article Summary

  • Discover Aquaman's new powers and mission as he returns as King of Atlantis in Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms.
  • Preview the dramatic new challenges Aquaman faces, including mammoth water-construct Kaijus from the seven seas.
  • Unravel the mystery of Darkseid's involvement in Atlantis and what it means for Aquaman's reign as king.
  • Explore variant covers by Ivan Reis, Brad Walker, and more, as the series launches with exclusive art options.

In one week's time, DC Comics publishes a new Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms. We already ran one preview for the comic, looking at some issues regarding whether the creative team have got the right Aquababy or not. Now we have a better look at the comic book in question with a lettered preview of Aquaman #1, ahead of the 8th of January, 2025. No news on the Aquababy yet… but he has some things to say.

He says he's back as King of Atlantis. Yes, yes, all very good, but how long will that be for exactly? It's not looking good down there, now that whatever is left of Darkseid is involved. Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms will be published on the 8th of January, 2025

Written by JEREMY ADAMS Art and Cover by JOHN TIMMS
Variant covers by IVAN REIS, BRAD WALKER, and TULA LOTAY
1:25 variant cover by SALVADOR LARROCA
1:50 variant cover by CHRISTIAN WARD
Deep Sea variant (Ultra Gloss) by BRAD WALKER ($9.99)
Blank sketch cover
$5.99 US 48 pages Variant $6.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 1/8/24
NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION…THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them—but not if they kill the good king in the process! Enter Dagon, Arthur's guide on the quest to unlock the secrets of the blue." But what deadly secret awaits Arthur on his journey? It's an all-new era for Aquaman by acclaimed creators Jeremy Adams (The Flash, Green Lantern) and John Timms (Action Comics) that will leave you cheering!

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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