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As Starfire Gets More Clothes, Superman Gets Back In The Armour
In Convergence: The Question #2, instead of the promised Green Lantern: The Lost Army preview, we get Starfire from Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner and Emanuela Lupacchino.
And a great six panel grid runaround her friends and enemies as the she tries to find a new place for herself here on Earth.
So she needs to turn to an expert – and wears her most modest Earth costume in some time.
This may be set a little while ago, as we have an armoured costume Superman, and one that can still fly as well…
And we also get that HellYeahSupermanAndStarfire vibe to boot.
But for those who fear that a newly recreated Starfire in the light of criticism over the suitability of the current character for kids who know the character from the cartoons will lead to an anodyne, bland sexless Starfire….
Not a bit of it. Come on, guys, this is Jimmy and Amanda here….
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