Four IDW comic books, Dungeon, The Kill Lock, The Delicacy, and Brutal Nature, are to be adapted into new television series.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: axe cop, Comics, entertainment
Bleeding Cool Wants You To Ask Axe Cop A Question
Hannah Means-Shannon recently interviewed Axe Cop co-creator Ethan Nicholle for Bleeding Cool. In which she elicited this promise.
HMS: Can Bleeding Cool send you an "Ask Axe Cop" question from our readers if we do a bit of a competition on social media to pick the best one?
EN: Sure, let's do it!
You ask Axe Cop any question, send it to we'll pick our favourite and you will get a response printed in comic book form, posted on the site with your name and everything.
Why, what else were you going to do? Comb through more Alan Moore comics looking for things reused in True Detective?
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