Posted in: Boom, Comics, Image | Tagged: boom, Comics, red mother
Boom Studio's $100 Thank You to Retailers For The Red Mother #1
Boom Studios is ending the year as the much-promised #4 comics publisher in the most recent Diamond sales charts (though just for November), with the strength of their hits like Once & Future, Something is Killing The Children and Folklords continuing to drive both their unit and dollar shares each month, with every issue of those series selling out at least once – or in the case of Once & Future #1, hitting a ludicrous seventh printing after we caught them in a big lie.
But they're not done yet, with Jeremy Haun and Danny Luckert – two creators more closely associated with Boom's rival Image Comics – launching The Red Mother #1 this Wednesday in comic shops everywhere. That hasn't stopped the book from selling out before on-sale even after a doubled overprint and then coming back for a third printing.
Luckily for retailers and fans, I'm hearing that Boom President Filip Sablik won't have to issue another apology because all orders for The Red Mother #1 Second Printing have been filled, meaning that BOOM! has finally figured out 2 + 2 = 5 in comics math and printed enough to meet the orders (something that Image has struggled to do on Undiscovered Country).
Now we just need to let comic shops know to up those orders because at this rate, The Red Mother #1 might be the next Boom series to join their illustrious 50K Club.
However, those same comic shops will certainly be very thankful for the surprise "Thank You" variant (below) to The Red Mother #1 hitting stores on Wednesday. Limited to one per store, it seems comic retailers have set the price for this book at $100, with mega-retailer Midtown Comics leading the way, albeit with a discount. Other retailers have it also priced at $100 on eBay, making this $69.99 listing quite the steal.
This continues the trend of massive sales for Boom one-per-store covers, with Folklords #1 famously at $200 and Heartbeat #1 at $85.
But we've noticed most comic shops aren't listing this online – which means they've either sold it already to their customers who know to ask about the growing trend of Boom secret variants or they're holding onto it a little bit longer, given the sustained interest in these variants from the biggest collector and speculator authorities.
If you're asking what's next as Boom continues their David-like quest to topple the Goliath that is Image Comics in the Marvel vs DC feud of creator owned comics publishers, might I suggest Si Spurrier and Chris Wildgoose's Alienated #1 in February?
Not only is this Boom 's first creator-owned launch of 2020, but they recruited both Saga's Brian K Vaughn and Die/Once & Future's Dr. Kieron Gillen to say very nice things on the cover of Diamond Previews, so expect Boom to have quite a few surprises up their sleeves for this debut issue…
Although it is also notable that Killadelphia #1 royally trounced Folklords #1 last month…