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Booze Geek: Innsmouth Olde Ale – And Providence
Beer: Innsmouth Olde Ale
Brewery: Narragansett Brewing Co.
ABV: 7%
In the dreary town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, things seem just a little off. The mood is always down a little bit more and the people are a little gruffer. In fact, you may even say they seem a little fishy with their big eyes and rank scent. The ocean breeze feels like it is always blowing in a current of dread. Evens a pint of Innsmouth Olde Ale may not be enough to settle your bones.
Narragansett Brewing Co. has taken it upon themselves to release a line of beers in honor of the legendary H.P. Lovecraft. The beers pay tribute to the famed horror writer and his Cthulu mythos. Innsmouth Olde Ale was the one I was able to get my hands on.
The Olde Ale was a mahogany color and produced a thick head, resulting in some long lasting lacing. There was some light carbonation visible. The beer gave of the scent of rich malt and some dark fruit.
At first, I found that creamy malt was the only flavor present in the beer, which had me a little disappointed that such a cool beer would be so one note. However, as it warmed up, I noticed that it had a nutty taste to it and a slight hoppiness in the finish. The beer was medium bodied and smooth to drink.
The Innsmouth Olde Ale was a pretty good beer, though generally straightforward with the central flavor focused in the malt. If you are a big Lovecraft fan, I would suggest seeking it out, if only for the awesome can artwork.
What to Drink This To:
Innsmouth Olde Ale is the perfect beer to enjoy alongside a work of H.P. Lovecraft's. He is regarded for his influence in the horror genre and focusing on themes such as fate, scientific risk and hopeless futures, all spinning out of his stories featuring the otherworldly Elder Gods and other such creatures. Cthulu is probably his most famous creation, but he is also well known for the town of Innsmouth (featuring the Esoteric Cult of Dagon), The Dunwich Horror and At the Mountains of Madness. His influence has left its mark on many pieces of fiction and writers, ranging from Alan Moore's comics to the contemporary hit TV series, True Detective.
Dylan Gonzalez happens to love beer and comic books and luckily found a place to write about both because he has no idea how to actually make money in the real world. He lives in a cave in New Jersey.
Tweet him at @BeardedPickle, follow his own beer blog at email him at