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Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part Two)

It is the story that comic folk, and others keep reacting to. And probably will do for quite some time. Click here for Part One and let Part Two commence…

Van Jensen: Dear Democratic Party, I support the hell out of you, but please let this be the last election in which you completely ignore rural America. That half of the country needs help. Make an effort. Don't write tens of millions of people off.

Alex Paknadel: Ah, the leftists are attacking the centrists and vice versa while the Nazis have cocktails by the pool. Life Of Brian was ridiculously on point.

Matt Miner: Hey everyone it's the day after the election so COVID is over. Aren't you relieved?

Alex Segura: Heartbreaking (not surprising, tho) that despite all his egregious mistakes and egotistical behavior, people still support Trump strongly. One other factor, too, is that it is rare/difficult to unseat an incumbent president. Only happened a few times in the last century.

David Baldeón: Spare a thought, if you will, for non-US politics nerds who are interested in the election but don't grow up knowing every state name abbreviation by heart and just, y'know, get lost every now and then

Jimmy Palmiotti: People, relax. This is gonna take days to count every vote- as it should since in America- we guarantee each person their own vote and voice. Until then- lead by example- and realize politics is just one of many things in your life.

Ben Abernathy: After the crummiest night's sleep I wake up to a dead coffee maker. This isn't how I wanted today to start

Gabriel Hardman: Trying to decide if I should run this morning even though I got next to no sleep. I need that distraction though.

Tom Brennan: Only Democrats could see being on track to win the presidency as a bad thing.

Phil Jimenez: The fact that tens of millions of voters were cool voting for a racist criminal neo-fascist is nothing to cheer about, no matter who wins

Andy Diggle: I know we were warned beforehand that the early results would favour Trump, and then gradually tilt towards Biden as the postal votes were counted… … But *man* it is messing with my chill.

Gwenda Bond: And the thing is, I can't even start ranting yet about WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE so I'm circling it by being mad at polls

Doc Shaner: I'm not surprised by how tight it is in Michigan at the moment, though I was hoping maybe I'd be proven wrong. Still hoping but trying to stay calm and ground myself here. – and literally like a second later it turned blue. C'mon c'mon c'mon let's gooooooooooo

Michele Wells: How do people just keep voting against their own self-interest? Just…how?

Mark Russell: If Trump sues to throw out the early or mail-in votes necessitated by COVID, his argument will basically be, "I lost the election, but I also blew my response to the pandemic, so those should cancel each other out."

Chris Conroy: AOC gonna start the exploratory committee today?

Of course some have a comic book coming out as well…

Donny Cates: Hey friends! Hope you all got some sleep last night! If you need something fun in your life today CROSSOVER #1 is out from @ImageComics! THOR # 9 is out from @Marvel and THE ONE YOU FEED is available NOW from @PanelSyndicate! Go get you some comics!

John J. Hill Need a distraction from the news & social media? CROSSOVER #1 is available at your local comic shop TODAY!! – By the team of @Doncates, @GeoffShaw12, @deezoid & @JohnJHill- from @imagecomics

Gotta love Wilkinson Sword, though.

Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part Two)
Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part Two)


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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