Posted in: Comics | Tagged: london, queue, reacts
Comic Folk React To… The Queue
Currently, hundreds of thousands are people are in a queue – or line – to see the Queen's coffin lying in state in Westminster Hall in London. The queue – or The Queue as it must now be known – is currently on pause in Southwark, five miles and ten hours long. Right now, Southwark Park is now closed to anyone. So there is a group stuck in the Park, not allowed in the queue. And people outside the park queueing for the park. Which means that people are queuing to join people who are queuing to join The Queue that is currently closed.
I cycled past The Queue yesterday and may do so again tonight. Here's how it was looking then, and you can keep up with the status of The Queue right here. This is how it looked last night, and I rather enjoyed how the What3Words location mirrored what people standing in The Queue might hear from the Thames river during the night.
Anyway, we previously heard comic book creators react to the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Here's what comic book creators have been saying about The Queue. Mostly Brits.
Hannah Berry: I'm not bothered about seeing the Queen, but I do LOVE me a queue. Tempting.
Lew Stringer: Britain loves queueing.
Moose Allain: Ok, what the officials are going to attempt has never been done before, but tonight, under the cover of darkness, they're going to surreptitiously join the end of the queue to the front of the queue to form a continuous circle of mourners that will survive now for generations.
Joel Morris: I have a visceral reaction to queues (NO!) even if there is something ostensibly brilliant at the end (NO!) and this is as if a chunk of the nation had decided to spend a week holding spiders in their mouths. I'm sort of… scared that it's happening. How? How are they doing this?
Kieron Gillen: That tweet about "this is the boss level of queues – you have been training for this all your life" has got stuck in my head. Maybe I'll join the queue, then just nope out when I get to the front to say I've completed it.
John Reppion: I have to say, I do love that it's a queue. The most British thing it could possibly be is a queue. A five mile queue. It's a very @Aiannucci 's Time Trumpet kind of version of what it's like when the Queen dies. I feel like "The Queue" is exactly something he'd have written. Baby born in The Queue, and couples who met in The Queue stories incoming, surely.
Comic Printing UK: JG Ballard's "Concrete Queue"
Nick Gonzo: Recording my Onlyfans content in the Queue
Tom Galloway: London has apparently turned into San Diego Hall H on steroids with the queue to pass by the Queen lying in state.
Pete Woods: Am I heartless when I really don't give a crap about someone's "suffering" when they voluntarily stand in an insane queue so they can ghoulishly look at a dead body? I'm willing to have my mind changed, but IMO if you're "suffering" doing this you have the power to just not.
Jamie Delano: How many deaths will there be in that queue, I heartlessly wonder…?
Andy Oliver: Does anyone actually do their grocery shopping based on whether products have a Royal Warrant on them or not? (Apart from anyone in that 5-mile queue of course…)
Joel Morris: Pitch: Doctor Queue. Sci fi series in which a mysterious alien stranger can move effortlessly to different points in the queue, now as long as the universe, to visit British people in trouble, and help out if any of them are attacked by rubber monsters or Woolworths-grade robots.
Abigail Jill Harding: We are born of the queue, made men by the queue, undone by the queue