In Venom #164, Venom is having bizarre dreams centering on his past offspring mixed with Eddie's past relationships. Plus, Shocker is nearby and robbing a jewelry store. Does it make for a good read?
Venom Archives
Marvel continues to drop lotsa listings on Amazon, and as ever we are looking at the tea leaves seeing what we can divine. First up is Venom: First Host.
More Amazon fishing sees Marvel Comics double down on Venom ahead of the release of the Sony movie later this year. As well as a brand-new Venom #1 for Marvel's Fresh Start, all sorts of books are being dug up, collected and published, or reprinted. Here are a few we found.
Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows! Green Hornet #1! Justice League #40! Captain America #699! Which are wins? Which are losses? You have to read to find out!
It may not have made the Bleeding Cool Bestseller List -- but some retailers reported the True Believers: Venom vs. Spider-Man reprint of Amazing Spider-Man #300, published by Marvel Comics for one dollar, made it into their individual top 10 lists.
Welcome, dear readers, to X-Men: Bland Design, the weekly multi-part recap column that strives to answer the question: “What if Ed Piskor had no art skills, a juvenile sense of humor, and less classic material to work with?” Time to check in on Venom #163!
Venom and the X-Men come under attack by the Poisons, in control of Jean Grey and Killer Thrill. According to Venom, this means Jean Grey is dead. Can she still be saved? Is Venom wrong? Is it a good read?
In this issue of Improbable Previews, CBR got their hands on an EXCLUSSSIVE Marvel preview of Venomized #1, by Cullen Bunn and Iban Coello.
In Venom #162, the X-Men have been possessed by Klyntar symbiotes, and it's up to Venom to keep the focused on their goal so that he can make it back home in one piece. Is it a good read?
Welcome to X-Men: Bland Design, the weekly multi-part recap column that answers the question: “What if Ed Piskor had no art skills, a juvenile sense of humor, and less classic material to work with?” Here's Venom #162!
Yesterday we told you that Donny Cates was to write Venom for his 30th anniversary year. And now Marvel PR have given the exclusive reveal to Comic Book: a new Venom #1 by Cates and Ryan Stegman for Marvel Fresh Start in May 2018.
The word sneaking out of Marvel is that comic book writer Donny Cates, Marvel's land grab of 2017, snatched from a career of independent books that
Welcome to X-Men: Bland Design, the weekly column that answers the question: “What if Ed Piskor had no art skills, a juvenile sense of humor, and less classic material to work with? We kick this week off with X-Men Blue #21!
Venom is trying to celebrate being cured when Spider Woman ambushes him to bring him to justice for past crimes. Does this conflict make for a good read?
Following up on Sony Pictures release of the the movie's first official poster, and now the studio seems ready to introduce film fans to Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock, as the first official teaser for Venom was released Thursday morning.
In X-Men Blue Annual #1, the Starjammers are taken by symbiotes, and this leads the X-Men to recruiting Venom in the hopes he can help. He's resistant, to say the least. Does this make for a good read?
Welcome to X-Men: Bland Design, the weekly column that answers the question: “What if Ed Piskor had no art skills, a juvenile sense of humor, and less classic material to work with?” Today we continue with X-Men Blue Annual #1.
Mentioned in the solicits for Venom #165 for April 2018, is this promise: "IN THIS ISSUE: Startling revelations that set the stage for the Venom epic of the fall!"
In Venom Inc. Omega, it's the final battle: Spider-Man, Venom, Anti-Venom, Black Cat, and Mania versus a giant Maniac, aka Lee Price. He has resorbed the symbiotes he attached to his followers, and it's up to these five heroes to stop him. Is it a good read?
On February 21st, Marvel Comics is putting out second prints of two of its recent comics, Old Man Hawkeye #1 and Venom #160. The first printing of Old Man Hawkeye #2 and the first printing of Venom #161 will come out the week before, for Valentine's Day.
In Venom #160, Venom, Anti-Venom, Black Cat, Mania, and Spider-Man are preparing for their assault against Maniac and his legions at the meeting of the Five Families. Does this make for a good read?
BECAUSE U DEMANDED IT! Marvel has heard what its readers are saying: there are not enough crossover event comics, and Marvel isn't milking everything they
We tipped you off that Marvel was planning a few tricks for Venom's 30th anniversary in 2018. reprints, backing boards and... a map? We told you that:
Let's kick off our top Marvel Comics of 2017 list with its resident Lethal Protector: Venom. Specifically, we're talking Venom #156 by Mike Costa and Mark Bagley.
Spider-Man and the all-new Anti-Venom are facing down the symbiote-possessed hords of Lee Price. Elsewhere, Eddie Brock searches for his Venom symbiote. Is it a good read?
Marvel Comics is making Venom 30th Anniversary: Web of Venom backing boards, chronicling the symbiote suit's return to the forefront of the Marvel
It's not just Countdown To Infinity: Adam Warlock getting an artist changed between solicitation and publication. A few changes Venom #161 is switching
Here are a few big books coming from Marvel in 2018 - Omnibuses, Masterworks, Epics, Completes and other collected titles of note. But we start with the
Venom is trapped beneath a mountain of rubble, and Kraven is slaughtering the underground dinosaur people. Can Venom save them? Is it a good read?
Here's a preview of the first issue of Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha #1 by Dan Slott, Mike Costa, and Ryan Stegman... out next week.