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Dan DiDio On Convergence, 'Following The Worlds That Died'
Convergence was originally going to be a Band-Aid, a filler, as DC moved coast to coast. And that was okay, complete in and of itself, a way to wrap up past stories, past ideas, a love letter to fans and one more trip around the park.
Then Secret Wars happened. And suddenly everything changed, and it suddenly had to matter.
Dan DiDio says (below) "There was a great expression from Crisis On Infinite Earths, Worlds live, worlds die and nothing will ever be the same. Well, here in Convergence we're going to follow the worlds that died."
After being trapped under their domes on Braniac's warworld for a year (another one year later) the survivors from the realities can't escape, some have given up while some still fight but everyone has lost their powers – that's until Braniac's apprentice opens the domes and lets them fight it out…