Posted in: Comics | Tagged: eccc, matt fraction
Tales From ECCC: Matt Fraction And A Surprise New Comic For The Summer
At ECCC, a number of anonymous Little Bleeders talked to a number of professionals. And this is what we learned.
Two more creator owned pieces coming out this summer his planned series with Chaykin and one other he was very quiet about.
Fraction was very clear with FF, he writes it. He does not co-plot it with Mike Allred. Though Allred loves being on the book.
Also Joe Quinone is guesting for issue 6 to let Allred keep on schedule.
And the success of Hawkeye just makes Fraction smile.
Matt Fraction and I both wished that the Hawkeye Vol. 1 TPB had already been released. Me since absolutely love the series and Matt since he would have made a killing by selling it himself at the Con, not that I blame him for it or anything.
Well, no. Marvel's trade paperback programme, as ever, remains a mystery.