Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, fetch, kickstarter
Fetch: An Odyssey, More Fulfilling Than Potato Salad
Fetch: An Odyssey. Created and Written By: Evie Dunn. Co-Written and Inked By: Martin Dunn. Co-Written and Pencilled By: Derrick Fish. Colored By: Gab Contreras. On Kickstarter now ,project Ends October 11th, 2014.
Created by 7-year-old Evie Dunn FETCH is the epic story of a young girl who faces off with the Gods of Olympus to get her dog back!
Martin Dunn writes for Bleeding Cool:
When I received the email from Rich Johnston asking me to write this, I was actually inking a page of Fetch alongside my fellow collaborator, Derrick Fish, and the creator of this epic, my 7-year-old daughter, Evie. We were doing what has become a regular routine of the last two months: sitting together in my office, eating pizza, and working on this graphic novel. Fetch, in all honesty, has been the most challenging, unique, and interesting project I've ever worked on. However, I guess I should explain who the heck we are and what we are doing here.
My name is Martin Dunn, and I am a comic creator. I've done some work for IDW, Hashtag Comics, and CAE Studios, to name a few. Derrick Fish, my regular collaborator, has worked with Image, IDW, Red 5, Hashtag Comics, Big Pond, CAE Studios, and many more. Gab Contreras, our colorist, has worked on The Mighty Titan as well as the Spanish editions of U.S. comic books such as The Walking Dead, Locke & Key and Hellboy.
But, honestly, none of that matters. This project is more than just a few comic creators trying to make another graphic novel on Kickstarter. It's about a 7-year-old girl who lost her best friend this past summer and decided that she wanted to find a way to remember him forever, In Evie's eyes, it was a way to help other people, and became a way for me ,as a father, to help her understand death. The full story of the loss my family suffered is on the Kickstarter, but, to sum it up, this past summer we lost our family dog, Rosco. Rosco died due to complications with gastric torsion; this was a heavy loss to us and resulted in Evie wanting to create a comic.
Evie is an ambitious kid who dreams of writing books and directing movies when she grows up. This coupled with tremendous support from some amazing folks like Heroes' Haven Comics, Butterwinks, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Mike and Ming from ComicBook Men, we've been able to take one step closer to helping her obtain one of those dreams ,and thanks to Bleeding Cool, we would like to present to you:
Fetch: An Odyssey
Fetch: An Odyssey is a 48-page graphic novel created by 7-year-old Evie Dunn. It is the tale of a young girl's epic journey to recover her dog, Rosco, who is being held in the heavens of Mount Olympus by Zeus the King of the Gods.
Her journey will take her deep within the heart of Greek Mythology as she faces off with Poseidon and his legion of sea monsters, races against Hermes, negotiates with Hades, takes Ares to task, and makes a few deals with some Titans. She will make new friends, encounter wondrous creatures, and come face to face with Zeus himself! This is a book that looks inside the mind of a child as she copes and comes to terms with dealing with the death of a loved one; it is a bittersweet story with a lot of love, pain, happiness, and more!
Fetch is a standalone story, but the richness and character development is ancient. The story features the pantheon of the Gods, the Titans, Cerberus, Harpies, and more from Greek lore.
The story plucks on the heartstrings and reiterates the concept that when you love something that's lost, you'll do anything to get it back! Just like Odysseus, Evie's epic journey forces her to tangle with the Olympians and do anything and everything to get her dog, Rosco, back from Zeus.
There are still a few weeks left to meet our goal, and we hope you join us on this adventure and help support this endearing and fantastic graphic novel. After all, are you going to say 'no' to a 7-year-old who rides Cerberus like a pony and threatens Poseidon with taking over his kingdom?
As we work hard towards our goal of being funded, and making Evie's dream come true, we've been lucky enough to have the support of our local comic shop Heroes' Haven, the masters of cookie art at Butterwinks, and some awesome friends in the art community such as Javier Lugo and Stephen Wittmaak. These phenomenal folks have all contributed to our rewards, and we have a ton of them!
Which brings us to a special Bleeding Cool perk!
The week following this article, EVERYONE who backs this project with $50 or more will get a special blank sketch cover from artist Derrick Fish with inks by myself.
And that is that!
We hope to rally your support and look forward to your help in making a little girl's dream come true! If you would like more information on Fetch, please check out the following links below.
Links and contact information
The Kickstarter can be found here.
Please direct all media inquiries to: Martin Dunn on Twitter: @MDunn82. Derrick Fish on Twitter: @derrickfish. Con Artist Entertainment on Twitter: @ConArtistComics