Nightcrawler, Colossus and Thunderbird to get solo X-Men projects in 2025 for their fiftieth anniversaries from Marvel.
Posted in: Comics, Preview | Tagged: alex ross, Comics, genesis, jack kirby, kurt busiek
FREE: Kirby Genesis #0 And #1 by Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross And Jackson Herbert
Today, Friday, Monday and Tuesday, Bleeding Cool will be running a free copy of Dynamite's Kirby Genesis series ahead of the release of the fifth issue on Wednesday. That's right, free. Forever. And totally legally.
Today, you get a double feature with issues 0 and 1 running below.
See you same time tomorrow… and by the time Wednesday comes around, you'll just have to buy issue five off the shelf to see how it continues. That's the theory. Let's give it a go…
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