Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, cosplay, entertainment, pat broderick
Comics Industry Reacts To… Cosplay War. Now With Added #cosplayersAREfans
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran a piece regarding Pat Broderick's comments regarding cosplay. Some said this wasn't a story, but The Telegraph and Mary Sue seemed to disagree.
I've seen cosplayers line up for hours to get a sketch/signature. And they're unlikely to flip it- they always ask it to be signed to them.
— Fiona Staples (@fionastaples) December 5, 2014
This ridiculous trend of comics pros bashing cosplayers is pathetic and embarrassing. Stay home if it hurts you so deeply. Sheesh.
— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) December 5, 2014
You're the one who looks like a fool, old man. #subtweet
— Kelly Sue DeConnick (@kellysue) December 5, 2014
Just a bit of my comic collection for you @YayaHan Bought with my own cash. #cosplayersAREfans
— Jenn Croft (@_JennCroft_) December 5, 2014
Okay, I've officially had it with the anti-cosplay BS. 1) who the hell are you to judge whether someone has researched their joy enough?
— Alex de Campi (@alexdecampi) December 5, 2014
2) If someone is interested enough in comics to dress up as one of the characters, TRUST ME, you can sell them hella stuff if you are nice.
— Alex de Campi (@alexdecampi) December 5, 2014
I have sold GRINDHOUSE to Mariachi Captain America & and MY LITTLE PONY to Elsa. Some of my best con experiences have been with cosplayers.
— Alex de Campi (@alexdecampi) December 5, 2014
3) Just… just don't stomp all over things that make other people happy. DON'T. If you are doing that, you need to re-examine your shit NOW
— Alex de Campi (@alexdecampi) December 5, 2014
Welcome back, Mr. Broderick, now don't let the door hit you on the ass…no, on second thought, let it. You need a good jolt.
— Jamie S. Rich (@jamieESrich) December 5, 2014
I remember seeing someone cosplay as one of my Indigo Prime characters way back in the early 90s. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
— Chris Weston (@westonfront) December 5, 2014
For the record, I love cosplay and all the madness that it brings to the comicon circuit. More should dress as *my* characters, but hey..
— Frazer Irving (@frazerirving) December 5, 2014
Cosplay at shows is fantastic- it stops us looking like a bunch of old tired men in a room- brightens things up, makes us more interesting
— john mccrea (@mccreaman) December 5, 2014
but #cosplay means other people attend shows who normally wouldn't and they spend- and they are new people being brought in… so win.
— john mccrea (@mccreaman) December 5, 2014
But it also fueled one positive hashtag, #cosplayersAREfans
#cosplayersAREfans Rat Queens and Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel with us everywhere we go till pried from our cold dead hands
— Sweethearts | Galaxy (@SweetheartsArmy) December 5, 2014
Just a bit of my comic collection for you @YayaHan Bought with my own cash. #cosplayersAREfans
— Jenn Croft (@_JennCroft_) December 5, 2014
Cosplayers do buy comics! #CosplayersAREfans
— L. Anna Lenz (@The_Apocalisa) December 5, 2014
@yayahan My apartment is covered in art I've gotten from conventions, figures, and comics. #cosplayersAREfans
— Kerry Kero (@KeroKeroGalaxy) December 5, 2014
#cosplayersAREfans This is like .5% of what I actually own lol #actionfigures #comics #videogames
— April (@apesteriffic) December 5, 2014
As a cosplayer, I've spent money at conventions for 15+ years. Here are some of my purchases. #cosplayersAREfans
— Yaya Han (@YayaHan) December 5, 2014
For all who think cosplayers aren't fans-my collection JUST in UK (I like @Marvel) #nogatekeeping #cosplayersAREfans
— Caitlin M Gale (@CorsairQueen) December 5, 2014
And of course, many, many, comics. #CosplayersAREFans
— Quentin (@Megatron4444) December 5, 2014
@YayaHan You've only seen my weab side. Let me show you my red white and blue side. #CosplayersAreFans
— Johnny & Junkers (@JohnnyJunkers) December 5, 2014
@YayaHan #cosplayersAREfans just me,a fake fan meeting my heroes,I mean,who are these guys! No idea! Look at cosplay!
— Sarah Jean Maefs (@PepperMonster) December 5, 2014
@YayaHan #CosplayersAREFans My collection doesn't make me any more or less of a fan but it does make me happy :)
— Kelsey Johnson (@KelseyJohnson_) December 5, 2014
@YayaHan My 1st love: movie cosplays +the movies I made costumes from. This is my film collection. #CosplayersAreFans
— Kes von Puch (@Kes_von_Puch) December 5, 2014
#cosplayersAREfans shocking news just breaking: women who cosplay super heroes do in fact read the source material!
— Sarah Jean Maefs (@PepperMonster) December 5, 2014
@YayaHan Small part of my messy shelf #cosplayersAREfans
— Vick Grayson (@VickGrayson) December 5, 2014
— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) December 5, 2014
@EastmanOfficial Kevin Eastman signed my April O'Neil cosplay. #cosplayersAREfans
— Joscelin MacFarlane (@josXmac) December 5, 2014
But could this get any more controversial? Why, yes.
"#CosplayersAREFans" is about when you passionately love something but get mislabeled and attacked. Sucks right? Welcome to #GamerGate.
— Brian (@DaftBrian) December 5, 2014
Time to bring the pitchforks and torches, folks!