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James Gunn's Favourite New 52 DC Comics – Now With Artists Added
While James Gunn was posting his holiday videos on Threads, he was asked, apropos of nothing, "Btw, do you have any favorite new 52 books?"
Article Summary
- Discover James Gunn's top DC New 52 picks, including acclaimed Batman & WW runs.
- Comic creators chime in, prompting a spotlight on the artists of these hit series.
- Dive into a detailed artist breakdown for Gunn's favorite New 52 comics.
- Explore links to issues enriching your comic collection, as endorsed by James Gunn.
While James Gunn was posting his holiday videos on Threads, he was asked, apropos of nothing, "Btw, do you have any favorite new 52 books?" And James Gunn answered. "I bought them all!! Some were definitely better than others but Batman by Snyder, Grant's Action Comics, Azzarello's Wonder Woman, Glass's Suicide Squad, Lemire's Animal Man, Gail's Batgirl, and Lobdell's Red Hood & the Outlaws were among my favorite new 52 runs." Leading a few comic book creators to note…
Jeremy Massie: Anybody draw these books?
John McCrea: Artist? What artist?
FabianNicieza: I can't speak to all of them of course, since according to social media so many writers penciling, inking, lettering and coloring their own books now… but I know for a fact Scott Lobdell did not draw his own book, because I've seen his drawings!
Jimmy Palmiotti: No Harley Quinn? Shame on you, James. ;]
Well, here's a breakdown for those of you following along at home. I hope it is of service, James Gunn!
- Batman (2011) by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, ran from Batman #1 to Batman #50, as well as work from Jonathan Glapion, James Tynion IV, Becky Cloonan, Sean Murphy, Yanick Paquette, Rafael Albuquerque, Jason Fabok, Roge Antonio, Aco, Riley Rossmo, Brenden Fletcher, Danny Miki and FCO Plascencia.
- Action Comics (2011) by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales, ran from Superman #1 to #18, as well as work from Rick Bryant, Andy Kubert, Gene Ha and Brad Walker.
- Wonder Woman (2011) by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang, ran from Wonder Woman #1 to #35, as well as work from Tony Akins, Goran Sudzuka and Matt Wilson.
- Suicide Squad (2011) by Adam Glass, Federico Dallocchio, Ransom Getty, Clayton Henry, Fernando Dagnino, Henrik Jonsson, Sandu Florearan which ran from Suicide Squad #1 to #19.
- Animal Man (2011) by Jeff Lemire and Travel Foreman, ran from Animal Man #1 with Dan Green, Steve Pugh, Timothy Green II, Rafael Albuquerque and Scott Snyder.
- Batgirl (2011) by Gail Simone and Ardian Syaf ran from Batgirl #1 to #34, with Vincente Cifuentes, Ed Benes, Daniel Sampere, Fernanso Pasarin, Jonathan Glapion, Robert Gill and Javier Garron.
- Red Hood & The Outlaws (2011) by Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort ran from Red Hood & The Outlaws #1 to #18, with Timothy Green II, and then again from Red Hood & The Outlaws #32-#40 with Scott Lobdell and RB Silva, Tom Derenick, Cory Smith, Rafa Sandoval, Wayne Faucher, Richard Horie and Tanya Horie. And then Red Hood And The Outlaws (2016) by Scott Lobdell and Dexter Soy, which ran from #1 to #50 with a quick name change along the way to Red Hood: Outlaw with Veronica Gandini, Mirko Colak, Kenneth Rocafort, Joe Bennett, Tyler Kirkham, Pete Woods, Rex Lokus, Julius Gopez, Stephen Segovia, Rafa Sandoval, Clayton Henry, Neil Googe, David Messina, Paolo Pantalena, Arif Prianto, ChrisCross and Brett Booth.